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New kid on the block


New member
Hello all, I'm a newbie to MOA but looking forward to re-entering the world of motorcycling. I successfully completed my MSF Basic Rider course at the BMW Performance Center in Spartanburg and just received my motorcycle endorsement on my license. I anticipate doing street riding (no interstates for now) until I gain more experience. I'd welcome your collective thoughts about the best full-face or modular helmet. Living in South Carolina I'm also looking for a helmet with excellent ventilation.

Welcome to BMWMOA. Living in central Virginia I can appreciate your desire to get a helmet with good ventilation. There are a variety of helmets that might fit the bill. I am sure other will provide good suggestions. I recommend checking out the Shoei GT Air II. It is not a modular helmet, but does provide good air flow.
Welcome miller7201! Congrats on passing the MSF course. I have a Bell Star and RS-1 which provided adequate ventilation IMO but don't have any experience with other brands. Post a pic of the bike if you get a chance.
Welcome miller7201! Congrats on passing the MSF course. I have a Bell Star and RS-1 which provided adequate ventilation IMO but don't have any experience with other brands. Post a pic of the bike if you get a chance.

I'm waiting for my F 900 XR to arrive in November.
Welcome to BMWMOA. Living in central Virginia I can appreciate your desire to get a helmet with good ventilation. There are a variety of helmets that might fit the bill. I am sure other will provide good suggestions. I recommend checking out the Shoei GT Air II. It is not a modular helmet, but does provide good air flow.

Thanks for the recommendation. My wife and I lived in Northern Virginia for 23 years. We've been in your area many times.
Thanks for the recommendation. How are you and your family doing post-Ian?

Much better than those near Ft Meyers. Thanks for asking. No house damages, just a lot of down trees limbs and debris to clean up. We lost power for 18 hours but the generator took care of that. Got 8 inches of rain and 60 mph sustained 85 mph wind gusts for 5 hours. Slept much better last night than the night before! We were blessed that the track kept moving east slowly as we were projected in the eye just 24 hours before it arrived. It eventually passed about 60 miles away. Flooding in low lying areas will be huge around here but doesn’t affect us. Pray for those on the coast as that destruction is near total in some areas.
I'm running a Schuberth E1 modular helmet that I like but I d have to say the ventilation is not great. I've never run any comms. Welcome from Newfoundland.
Hello all, I'm a newbie to MOA but looking forward to re-entering the world of motorcycling. I successfully completed my MSF Basic Rider course at the BMW Performance Center in Spartanburg and just received my motorcycle endorsement on my license. I anticipate doing street riding (no interstates for now) until I gain more experience. I'd welcome your collective thoughts about the best full-face or modular helmet. Living in South Carolina I'm also looking for a helmet with excellent ventilation.


Welcome. Don't know what you're riding, but if you're on an adv bike, the Arai XD4 is a good choice if you're seeking ventilation (along with some of the best protection you can buy).

Miller7201, congratulations on the F900XR! I will be interested to see what you think after you have ridden that machine for a while. Sure looks nice. I am considering getting a modern motorcycle and the XR looks attractive.
Miller7201, congratulations on the F900XR! I will be interested to see what you think after you have ridden that machine for a while. Sure looks nice. I am considering getting a modern motorcycle and the XR looks attractive.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to it. When I took my MSF class I asked my instructors about it. They said it was a good fit for me, just enough power to have fun but not so much as to be problematic for a new rider. I'm also a relatively big guy and they confirmed it would have no trouble accommodating my 6'4" frame.