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need help with 99 paint scheme



I decided to paint my 01 with the 99 paint scheme stripy thing.

Is there anyone here that has one and could measure the width, length and angle of the stripes for me?

I would like to get the pattern as close as possible. Mine will be silver and red. but like this.


your help is greatly appreciated.
No one else replied yet, and I don't have one of these bikes. So, here is my take: if you know the wheelbase of yours, print this picture and get a nice small ruler and protractor and calculate scale from the wheelbase dimension. The angle of the stripes will be the same (protractor), it's the width and length that you'll have to scale up using the wheelbase "factor". It should be very accurate, if your scale is.

Beuatiful paint scheme, though, I hope you post a pic of yours when finished.
Here's my wild-assed suggestion. Once you get it all figured out, find a House of Kolor specialist in your area and do it up right. You're spending a ton of money, why not get an out-of-the-ordinary result? IMO, a white pearlescent and a kandy apple red, with black pinstripes separating the two would look smashing on that bike.

You might also want to check with a dealer. I know that there were templates for the older bikes, for the pinstriping on the tanks, available as a part. I scanned the partsfiche and all I could find were painted parts, but I think there is a possibility that they make templates for body shops for those paint schemes as well.