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In other racing news….

omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
When racing and racing competition is in your blood, there are no limits.

A cut above the rest - British Lawn Mower Racing Association's 50th Anniversary Endurance Race​

I first saw Lawnmower Racing in Washington State back in the early ‘80’s. It was pretty cool and no doubt they were serious about it.
Since then, I have heard or seen clips from other events around the country along with the “lawnmower” division of tractor pulling.
It seems like it is really big “across the pond”.

Pretty cool! 😎

What other racing that is fun, but not being covered have you been to or seen?

Was Tim Allen registered for the race?? :)


  • TimAllen.jpg
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Anyone have pictures of the Airhead group Office Chair races at the Des Moines National rally?
Rumor has it alcohol was involved :)
There is also the Wild, Wild World of Belt Sander Racing!

It’s even televised on ESPN from time to time.


It appears that there are no limits to mankind's ability to find new ways to screw-up! "Hold my beer ..."
When racing and racing competition is in your blood, there are no limits.

A cut above the rest - British Lawn Mower Racing Association's 50th Anniversary Endurance Race​

I first saw Lawnmower Racing in Washington State back in the early ‘80’s. It was pretty cool and no doubt they were serious about it.
Since then, I have heard or seen clips from other events around the country along with the “lawnmower” division of tractor pulling.
It seems like it is really big “across the pond”.

Pretty cool! 😎

What other racing that is fun, but not being covered have you been to or seen?

I know a couple people who race mowers and they are maniacs