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I need some male plugs to match the female radio speaker plugs.


New member
I want to install a radio on my R1150RTP and would like to use the speakers which are mounted in the fairing as they appear to be much better speakers than those which came with the radio which I am going to use. Today, I removed the windshield and enough of the fairing so I could reach the speaker wire plugs. I would prefer to use those plugs, rather than splicing into the speaker wires or cutting those plugs off. I have not seen that type plug before. Does anyone know if I could find that type male plug at a local automobile parts store? If so, does anyone know what that particular plug is called? I donÔÇÖt want to cut one of the female plugs off of a speaker, just to see if I can find a matching male plug.
I want to install a radio on my R1150RTP and would like to use the speakers which are mounted in the fairing as they appear to be much better speakers than those which came with the radio which I am going to use. Today, I removed the windshield and enough of the fairing so I could reach the speaker wire plugs. I would prefer to use those plugs, rather than splicing into the speaker wires or cutting those plugs off. I have not seen that type plug before. Does anyone know if I could find that type male plug at a local automobile parts store? If so, does anyone know what that particular plug is called? I donÔÇÖt want to cut one of the female plugs off of a speaker, just to see if I can find a matching male plug.

Hi, I did a search in the upper right hand corner where it says search forum. I came up with this http://forums.bmwmoa.org/showthread.php?t=48383&highlight=speaker+plugs and there were more. This one came to mind as the member was able to find an answer. Hope this helps, Gary
The first thing I did was checked the parts breakdown for my BMW, which is at: http://www.maxbmwmotorcycles.com/fiche/DiagramsMain.aspx?vid=51765&vin=ZE88857&md=200206
The Wiring Harness for the radio is shown but there is no listing for separate plugs. The speakers are over $225.00 each, so must be much better than the ones that came with the cheap radio which I bought. I could find nothing on the forum about anyone finding the male plugs, but I would think some auto parts store would have them, so I just wanted to know if anyone knew where I might find the applicable male plug. If I am unable to find them, I will probably just splice into the speaker wires, but I prefer not to do that.