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Harry Buck

Does anyone know how and when Harry Buck passed? He was an eccentric motorcycle collector who lived outside of Coatesville and Downingtown, PA in the 1970s. Harry had a huge barn packed with mostly unrestored bikes dating back to the very first ones, including Indian Fours, Megolas, Crockers, at least one BMW R5, and much more. He was also a talented machinist who did some great work on the engine and clutch adaptor plates for a VW-powered R60 that I still own.

Thanks, Fred
About the only thing I can find is that he might have passed away in late 2010. I ran across this picture from an old copy of the BMW VMCA magazine showing Harry in his garage.


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About the only thing I can find is that he might have passed away in late 2010. I ran across this picture from an old copy of the BMW VMCA magazine showing Harry in his garage.
Thanks, Kurt. He was a great machinist -- bored a BMW-trans-sized hole in the aluminum plate I had dowel-pinned onto a piece of VW trans, than bored a hole in another piece of aluminum to emulate the R60 flywheel. When it was all done, the powertrain was at least as smooth as the stock machine.
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