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Gas Quality and Mileage


Frieden mit uns allen
I posted this on a completely different forum site and was wondering what the take was here.
I get about 5 miles less a gallon once the fall comes and it will go back up in spring. Does anyone else see a significant drop in mileage as the fall/winter comes on? This is the third year in a row that I have noticed this for both the bike and the cages. I know they reformulate the gas to produce more heating oil, but is that the reason the mileage goes down?

Very likely your area switches to oxygenated gas during the winter.

We have it year round in California (and OR and WA), and it definitely cuts 10% off the mileage. In CA's case, the oxygenate is ethanol, but there are other products.
I have an 04 Rockster with no windshield. I have never noticed much of a difference in gas milage during the winter season here in MI. I get high 30's to low 40's on my day to day commute and two lane travels. Mid 40's on the rare times I do much slabbin.