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First BMW, SE PA


New member
Just picked up a 1970 R60/5 -- my first BMW, but my 13th bike. The previous owner put about $900 worth of parts into it, then decided it was just too much of a money pit so went back to his 2000-something Honda. It needs tires and brakes, but I've ridden it about 120 miles and nothing major has presented itself -- just standard old-bike stuff like minor leakage out of brittle seals. I recently restored a 1982 Suzuki GS1100L -- rebuilt forks, carbs & brakes, pulled the cylinders and cylinder head for leaky gaskets and valve seals, replaced the secondary drive bearings and seals, etc, so I'm appreciating the R60/5's relative simplicity and ease of access. There is a pronounced ticking in the left cylinder, but I'll be posting about that in the appropriate area.

I'm in suburban Philly and do occasional long rides to Texas and California. Not sure the R60 is the bike for that kind of work, but we'll see. Cheers!
Hallo Wendell! Congrats on finding a working Airhead M/C that U can "Learn to Love." Many MOA members are also official Airheads; >> <<. Just suggesting that U Should Look Over before U buy into das National 247-style BMW M/C Club. Mrs-HSV recently was "selected" to become the AL Airmarshal {because she was willing to lift a finger to hold ONE or more events per year.}...
Don't anticipate U dropping by HSV anytime soon, but the door's usually open to those of Like Mind! Since I'm the duely selected MOAL President, that means we may have overlapping responsibilities. Like, for example, I'll be pulling our camper to the Oktober Vintage Festival in Leeds, AL with das K1600GT. Mdm Airmarshal is thereby free to ride any of her three BMWs 90 miles south to the Barber Vintage Festival: << >>
Good Luck understanding your newest Motorrad acquisition. They are all certainly unique!

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao from the scenic Tennessee River Valley!
HSV-Phil --- & --- HSV-Karen

USAF-Ret'd — & — USN-Ret’d
'75 R90S ——-—— '82 R100CS
'14 K16GT ———— '16 R1200RS
’09 KLX250S ——— ’88 R100RT
’05 Vespa 200L -—-- ’11 Vespa GTS 300
President of MOA CC-05: mailto:president@bmwmoal.org
+ Airmarshal of CC-214