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F650GS Value



My wife would like to sell her F and get the new F650GS its a 2004 with 10,000 miles in perfect condition. Any thoughts on how to research a fair asking price ? Thanks.
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Check some threads and see what similar bikes are selling for, look at NADA.com, look in the classifieds here, etc.
Where are you selling it? Do you have all the maintenance records? Does it have hard bags or other accessories? How quickly do you need to sell? Are you able to take lots of photos to post on a picture hosting site like Picasa (my favorite), Flickr or Photobucket?

In the DC area I think a 2004 with 10k miles, maintenance records and BMW hard cases would go for between $5,500 and $6,500. If you can be patient with the lowballers and tire-kickers, take lots of pictures to interest buyers from other parts of the Country, and advertise it in several locations you will probably get or at least get closer to the higher number. The MOA Flea Market is a great place to advertise, as is Craig's List and the IBMWR Classified with the caveat that you will definitely receive the attention of some scammers. Not to worry, they are easy to spot (and ignore) and if you simply insist in talking to the buyer on the phone before the deal is sealed, and insist without exception that the transfer be done in person, at your bank and in cash, you'll avoid trouble. If the words "Western Union" ever come out of the seller's mouth, run - don't walk, you are probably being scammed - this usually applies to people buying bikes but the old "I will send you a (counterfeit) cashier's check and you send the overage to the shipper (aka the scammer) scam still appears now and again.

Remember to retain your plates and turn them in with your registration to your DMV as soon as you can after signing off the title and *definitely* before canceling your insurance.