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Ever Volunteered? Check out what this year's committees still need.


RK Ryder
Now that May has arrived, it is time to start planning your route to Salt Lake City this July. Our MOA Rally awaits you.

However, in order for the rally to succeed, we still need many, many volunteers for our committees. Below is a list of committee chairs who are still looking for volunteers to help them from Thursday through Saturday (some need help setting up from Monday - Wednesday as well). Please check out the various committees and the various duties involved. If you should find a committee that interests you, just fire off an email to the appropriate committee chair. If you are unable to get hold of one, please contact me.

Remember, our volunteer members will make our rally a success. Be one and you'll get even more enjoyment from the rally!


Paul F. Ruffell
2017 MOA’s Crossroads of the WEST Volunteer Chair
saltlake.volunteers@gmail.com or rallyvolunteers@bmwmoa.org

Volunteer Positions and Volunteer Duties

5K Foot Race - 6 volunteers, early Saturday a.m., 4 hr shift
Andrea Borella andiroadrunner@hotmail.com

50/50 Tickets - 10 volunteers per 2 hr shifts-
Miranda Sanders bruceandmiranda@outlook.com

Awards - Don Hamblin - BMWScooter@att.net
Recording the attendees' mileage, age etc. who enter various riding contests. 2 volunteers per 2 hr shifts

Beer Garden - This committee does not exist this year, but we need former beer volunteers to help with other committees.

Bike Wash - 2 per 3 hr shift - Milo Bunda - beemerbunda@sbcglobal.net
Supervise attendees bike washing and showing them the bike washing supplies

Charging Stations - 3 volunteers, 3 hr shifts - Ross/Jean Copas - rcopas@sympatico.ca
Charging attendees phones, laptops etc. and handing them back.

Charter Club Camping - Rick Koscher rickkoscher@me.com
A few individuals to assist in laying out the club camping area prior to the rally start.

Coffee - 2 people per morning 4 hr shift - Charlie Parsons 143bmw@att.net

Door Prizes - 5 people per 3 hr shift - Susanna Parkhouse doorprizes@bmwmoa.org
Assisting attendees with ticket placement and handing out door prizes.

Entertainment- 5 people per shift, assisting bands moving equipment
Stage Manager Chair Phil Keppelman philkep@comcast.net

First Aid - Lisa Malachowsky lisabmwmoa@gmail.com
4 people per 4 hr shift with First Aid background

Ice Sales - Kent Ringstmeier beemericeman@yahoo.com 2 people per 4 hr shift,
The Ice committee volunteers duties at the rally involve selling ice and supplying ice to the Go-fors Committee. You will be lifting bags of ice in 7 & 22 lb sizes. They will be handling money and making change. This is always done in a shaded or inside location.

MOA Gear Store: Jackie Hughes - jackiehughes39@yahoo.com
8 people per 3 hour shift.- sales and assisting folks finding articles.
Volunteers are needed on the Tuesday and Wednesday unpacking and setting up the store items.

Oil Change / Tire Pressure - Brian Manke bmwmanke@gmail.com
2 people per 4 hour shift. Hand tools to riders.

Pin and Patch - Gary and Karen Pothoff glpothoff47@hotmail.com
4 people, 3 hour shifts, especially on Wednesday and Thursday to stuff mugs.
Throughout the rally, handing out stuffed mugs.

Post Rally Clean-up; rallyvolunteers@bmwmoa.org[/email

Registration - 4 hour shifts - Roger Trendowski -http://MOAregistrationVOLUNTEER.eventbrite.com

RV - 4 people, 3 hour shifts -Ron Rumohr beemerron@yahoo.com
Volunteers help check in the RVs, and guide them to their sites. Some attendees will not have registered for the rally when they get to the rally. We will need someone to take them up to the registration desk to register.

Security - 17 people per 3.5 hr shifts - Gray Buckley graybuckley@gmail.com
Checking passes at the gates. One half the shift is on foot, one half in a golf cart. Security hats will be provided and yours to keep. A few people are needed starting on the Tuesday.

Seminar Committee - Sue Rihn sue@beemerhill.com
2 volunteers/shift to assist presenters with their time management, setting up and cleaning up after each seminar

Sewing Booth - 5 volunteers, 3 hr shifts -Alison Buckley mrsarbuckley@gmail.com
Sewing patches on jackets.

Shuttle Bus - Jerome Eberharter btb.betheboss@gmail.com
2 people per shift, 3 hr shifts will be driving 12 seater golf carts around the rally during 3 hour shifts.

Sign Production Dan Steele gsaadv1@gmail.com
4 computer knowledgeable people per shift plus manual labour placing the new signs on boards
Most of Dan’s volunteers are needed on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Sign Placement - Dan Steele gsaadv1@gmail.com
2 people, 3 hr shifts - placing the rally signs around the rally site, on the Tuesday and Wednesday.

Volunteers - Paul Ruffell saltlake.volunteers@gmail.com
5 volunteers per shift, 3 hour shifts, enlisting rally goers to sign up for volunteer shifts still unfilled.
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Just a note of support for Paul's "call to arms."

I volunteered to be the Gates Chair at the Sedalia Rally. Worked my butt off (apparently, it quickly grew back:dance), but far and away the most memorable rally I ever attended. Participation gives you a sense of ownership in the event.

If available, try to volunteer ahead of the rally, so the various 'chairs' know they have adequate personnel. It also makes the job of the Volunteers Chair a bit less stressful, as they spend their rally time recruiting others that are needed. Sue Rihn held down that post in Sedalia and was wonderful in getting spots filled, but it would have been nice if her job went a tad easier.

Enjoy SLC! :thumb
Beer volunteers

MAD DOG here, morning !

I know that that following close on the heels of "It's a small world" ride at Disney, {hah}, the beer garden is the second happiest place to be ! EVER !

But please consider answering Paul's request for help. If we burn out the regulars, we will be all the poorer for it.

On that note, Randy and I are getting older, and we could use a sorcerer's apprentice, as it were. Long hours, no pay, but great friends, and FREE BEER after midnight, when we plan the next day.

If you are interested, {no commitment} see me at ICE, where I'm co-chair this year, or stop me wherever I am. We''ll chat.

2018 BG Chair {hopefully}:drink
Volunteers are still being recruited for the Salt Lake Rally. If you are attending, please check the first post and see if there is a committee chair that you could help out with 3 or 4 hours or your time. :thumb