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Buying new FD bearing


Kurt Snyder
I pulled the FD bearing out last night because I the oil was indicating pending issues. 1995 R1100RSL with 102,000 miles. The bearing was intact but slightly rough. Wear on the teeth indicated it had been shimmed correctly from the factory. I called a bearing supply house and gave them the bearing number, FAG 61917 C3. The salesman immediately said that is a very light duty bearing. He said it is used in a lot of ATV's and fails frequently in that application. He didn't have the bearing in stock but it will be here tommorrow. Price, $59.25
He said it fails frequently but he didn't have the bearing in stock?

If that was true I would stock em buy the truck load. :)
Which bearing supply house? I might order several.

As for the "light duty" comment, when you sell bearings for construction equipment, big trucks, mining equipment, and other such applications - that probably is a light duty bearing.

Now if you were to go to a bicycle shop, scooter store, or model airplane shop they would probably tell you that is one whopping big bearing.

Now for the "fails" frequently comment ......
I ordered the bearing from Bearings Specialty, Williston VT, 802-655-2222. The salesman said it is a KYK brand, made in Japan. He said it is a high quality bearing. He said the FAG bearings are made by outside suppliers now. He said most bearings come from overseas now. He said the list on an SKF 61917 is $535, also an overseas bearing.

Which bearing supply house? I might order several.

I have an '04 GS. Do you know if that is same bearing in my bike and if that is a reliable bearing manufacturer? If so I may order one for the "just in case" security.
Thanks for any info.
I have an '04 GS. Do you know if that is same bearing in my bike and if that is a reliable bearing manufacturer? If so I may order one for the "just in case" security.
Thanks for any info.

Your 04 GS does take that same bearing. Up until the "new design" used on the R1200 and new K1200 series the bearing is the same starting with the R80G/S in 1981.

As for that bearing maker - I don't know anything about them.