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BMW Warning on water brand being used


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be something if the new water-cooled GS didn't function as designed because we will be putting American water in its radiator? I know BMW blames our fuel for many driveability problems and other bike functions like fuel strips. I can hear it now when a dealer says, "Sorry Mr. Customer, but the factory (BMW) says your R12XXGS is overheating due to the use of USA water in the radiator. However, I have some BMW brand water available....just $37.28 a quart!" DON'T LAUGH JUST YET.
.........I know BMW blames our fuel for many driveability problems and other bike functions like fuel strips. ...............

They are probably correct on this, ethanol is nasty stuff and should not be in motor fuel. It destroys plastics and metals alike.
As a drag racer I must disagree about the use of ethanol as a motor fuel, as long as the system is built for it, it is a very powerful cool running fuel. It should not be blended at 5 to 15% in our regular gas though as many cars and bikes can't tolerate it. Some of the fastest street legal drag cars in the U.S. are built and tuned to run on E-85 and some of these cars are in the 2,000 to 2,500 hp range (that's NOT a typo).
... and yes, when the bike overheats because the plastic water pump impeller was eroded away from the use of a nonaproved coolant, the warranty will be declined. Phosphates, silicates, borates and nitrites & 2-EHA will be the new ZDDP, except that we may want less of them instead of more.

read the second post to see how much fun we can have with this

or already in the Kbike world

or read the OAT & HOAT sections here

Wouldn't it be something if the new water-cooled GS didn't function as designed because we will be putting American water in its radiator? I know BMW blames our fuel for many driveability problems and other bike functions like fuel strips. I can hear it now when a dealer says, "Sorry Mr. Customer, but the factory (BMW) says your R12XXGS is overheating due to the use of USA water in the radiator. However, I have some BMW brand water available....just $37.28 a quart!" DON'T LAUGH JUST YET.

NOT laughing. :banghead
Geez, you boxer types act like water cooling is something new and amazing. :scratch BMWs have been coming in water cooled varieties for decades. :thumb We've got three of them in our garage. :dance

No need to panic on the water type used. Just make sure you use the right coolant and good distilled or RO water. Even european bottled water would be a no-no as it contains undesirable minerals just the same as North American tap water.
Yep, distilled water (pure H20) is the same all over the universe. And that is the only thing that should go in a radiator along with the proper coolant. Of course which coolant will become its own online battleground.

Great, now we have a water thread to go with the oil threads!
American Fuel & Water


To clarify on misconception, the issue with American fuel is not so much ethanol content but high sulfur and other contaminants. Based on my own random sampling, I find American water to be superior to European-sourced fluid. Maybe we can trade?

Fairly sure BMW sells premixed water/anti freeze already. I used some when I had my 1985 K100. And yes, there were warnings about which anti-freezes were compatible with the K100's all aluminum radiators since cars were still mostly copper/brass/whatever radiators.

For what it's worth, I had the K100 for more than 22 years and never had any issues with the water cooling.
Fairly sure BMW sells premixed water/anti freeze already. I used some when I had my 1985 K100. And yes, there were warnings about which anti-freezes were compatible with the K100's all aluminum radiators since cars were still mostly copper/brass/whatever radiators.

For what it's worth, I had the K100 for more than 22 years and never had any issues with the water cooling.

aargh! Pink or Green?!? pink or green?!? pink or green?!?:hungover
Wouldn't it be something if the new water-cooled GS didn't function as designed because we will be putting American water in its radiator? I know BMW blames our fuel for many driveability problems and other bike functions like fuel strips. I can hear it now when a dealer says, "Sorry Mr. Customer, but the factory (BMW) says your R12XXGS is overheating due to the use of USA water in the radiator. However, I have some BMW brand water available....just $37.28 a quart!" DON'T LAUGH JUST YET.

Laugh?!? Once the specifications are published, as are the specs for oil, brake fluid etc are published it sounds like an opportunity for a cleaver entrepreneur to make an alternative within the specs and laugh all the way to the bank.

In any color the customer wants :brad
Just a little side note:
There is a difference between "purified" water and Distilled water - the purified can still have minerals in it. Keep with the distilled for your coolant, and purified for drinking.

I want it to match my paint job. Or at least, chartreuse and vermilion with mauve and taupe accents.
When I get my Wasser Boxer, I'm going to put Rocky Mountain spring water in it: should be good for 1 or 2% more power.
Wouldn't it be something if the new water-cooled GS didn't function as designed because we will be putting American water in its radiator? I know BMW blames our fuel for many driveability problems and other bike functions like fuel strips. I can hear it now when a dealer says, "Sorry Mr. Customer, but the factory (BMW) says your R12XXGS is overheating due to the use of USA water in the radiator. However, I have some BMW brand water available....just $37.28 a quart!" DON'T LAUGH JUST YET.

Oh, how cute!
What will you do in Unknownistan????

This must be why we never saw stories about around the world treks on K-bikes. No BMW-spec water in places that are lucky to have the potable stuff.....

As someone else said...........what a great marketing opportunity

BTW - I was a happy K-bike owner for 13-yrs and changed the coolant with local tap water a few times. At 80K miles, the bike seemed to be OK.
This must be why we never saw stories about around the world treks on K-bikes. No BMW-spec water in places that are lucky to have the potable stuff.....

As someone else said...........what a great marketing opportunity

BTW - I was a happy K-bike owner for 13-yrs and changed the coolant with local tap water a few times. At 80K miles, the bike seemed to be OK.

Ah, you have stumbled upon my second WasserBoxer related start up: Med Wet.

We will be signing up WasserBoxer owners RTW or continental for our emergency service. For an annual fee we will provide you with emergency BMW spec custom colored replacement water delivered to your GPS coordinates via drone aircraft. Prices and details to follow.
Ah, you have stumbled upon my second WasserBoxer related start up: Med Wet.

We will be signing up WasserBoxer owners RTW or continental for our emergency service. For an annual fee we will provide you with emergency BMW spec custom colored replacement water delivered to your GPS coordinates via drone aircraft. Prices and details to follow.

My hometown water supply used to be a source for "Spring Dannon". With those credentials, I can surely be the supplier for Med Wet.

The hose, spigot and two bay garage (i.e., bottling facility) are in place.

Do we have a cool logo for our hats? I prefer something like the Adams Resort Caps
My hometown water supply used to be a source for "Spring Dannon". With those credentials, I can surely be the supplier for Med Wet.

The hose, spigot and two bay garage (i.e., bottling facility) are in place.

Do we have a cool logo for our hats? I prefer something like the Adams Resort Caps

We are looking for regional Med Wet bases to cut down response time required from Fly-Over-Land to serve customers globally.

Logo design for cool hats and t-shirts has been a hot topic at the BoD meetings held at the Official Fly-Over-Land coffee shop. There are shares available if you are interested in taking an equity stake in our start up. This would guarantee you a vote in the logo design. Heck for a big enough non-controlling stock purchase we would be happy to let you make the decision. Currently we are long on shares and short on coffee money.

There will be opportunities to manage regional corporate operations. Salary packages will include stock options and extended discounts at the Official Fly-Over-Land coffee shop when you are at the home base for meetings. In addition we are looking into franchise opportunities.

Consider your options and we will talk.