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Baja para dos - Nine-day adventure in Baja Mexico...

We returned from Baja with a lifetime of memories and over 90 GB of videos and photos obtained from my GoPro, iPhone, and Mavic Pro drone cameras.

I went to work almost immediately after returning to try and determine which videos were going to make the cut. The best videos either had to help tell a story or had to have cinematic value. After many sleepless evenings I had successfully paired-down the videos to just 14 GB of the best stuff.

Unfortunately, the videos sat waiting… Waiting for the song that wouldn’t come…

I listened to hours upon hours of Latin songs in the search for the one that seemed to capture my feelings of Baja. The song had to have a Mexican flair without being too traditional. It had to have sections that captured the way Baja makes you slow down a bit but also have sections that seem to capture the excitement of discovering new things. After months and months of searching, I began to wonder if such a song existed…

Well, just recently I was searching again and I found the song!! It’s called El Toro by JMK Instrumentals and it is darned near perfect! In just a short week I went to task of marking the song track in sections, determining what video would be a good fit for each section, and then painstakingly worked the timing of the videos to correspond with the music.

Well here it is… Baja para Dos - a Nine-Day Motorcycle Adventure. Enjoy!

We returned from Baja with a lifetime of memories and over 90 GB of videos and photos obtained from my GoPro, iPhone, and Mavic Pro drone cameras.

I went to work almost immediately after returning to try and determine which videos were going to make the cut. The best videos either had to help tell a story or had to have cinematic value. After many sleepless evenings I had successfully paired-down the videos to just 14 GB of the best stuff.

Unfortunately, the videos sat waiting… Waiting for the song that wouldn’t come…

I listened to hours upon hours of Latin songs in the search for the one that seemed to capture my feelings of Baja. The song had to have a Mexican flair without being too traditional. It had to have sections that captured the way Baja makes you slow down a bit but also have sections that seem to capture the excitement of discovering new things. After months and months of searching, I began to wonder if such a song existed…

Well, just recently I was searching again and I found the song!! It’s called El Toro by JMK Instrumentals and it is darned near perfect! In just a short week I went to task of marking the song track in sections, determining what video would be a good fit for each section, and then painstakingly worked the timing of the videos to correspond with the music.

Well here it is… Baja para Dos - a Nine-Day Motorcycle Adventure. Enjoy!



I'm at a loss for words. You shared this brilliantly, and we thank you!

That was great! Thank you for making the effort, and bringing us along on your trip.

Great report and pics, thanks for posting. My buddy and I were down in Baja a couple of weeks ago, we enjoy Baja and the MX mainland.
Great video, makes me want to fire up the GS and head for Baja! :thumb

Thanks for taking us along,

This ride report has allowed me to contemplate on our short nine-day adventure in Baja. I have the following comments to share:

  • Baja was not as scary as I imagined. I recently came across a quote by an unknown author… FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. How often do we let fear keep up from letting us reach our true potential? I nearly let fear keep me from having a memory of a life-time.
  • There is a very different vibe the further south you travel in Baja. Border towns like Tecate and Tijuana are a melting pot of US and Mexican cultures. Because of this I feel that prices are inflated and local folks tend to be less patient with tourists. The further south we traveled the happier the locals seemed to be; they were interested in our journey and went out of their way to welcome us into their country.
  • Baja can be pretty inexpensive. We spent a total of about $900 USD for our nine-day trip. The largest single expenses were the insurance on the bikes ($119 USD each) and the whale watching trip ($48 USD each). Food was incredible cheap (and delicious). Hotels were also very reasonable. Gas was a bit more expensive than what we pay in California. Considering that a Baja motorcycle tour package can go for $3,500 each person (not including bike rental), a couple can save themselves a substantial amount of money by planning and supporting their own trip.
  • I still dislike deep sand!
  • Baja California Sur is calling… We would like to give ourselves at least three weeks to properly explore it. On second though, three weeks isn’t enough - perhaps three months?
Until the next adventure,
Great RR, thanks for sharing. I ride in Baja and Mexico several times a year and would like to suggest anyone going south not pretend it is Disneyland when it comes to personal safety. Whether you are riding in Baja or Bulgaria there are people that are not good intentioned and keeping aware of your surroundings is still important. Things can change fast in Mexico. One month everything in a city is quiet due to military presence and then those troops are repositioned and the formerly safe city is returned to a not so safe place to wander the streets at night. Do your homework before and during your travels and enjoy the wonderful people and places that Mexico/Baja have to offer.
Great job with the pictures, video and the story.
Interestingly enough, my wife and I have the same 2 bikes and hers is white and mine is red.
Great job with the pictures, video and the story.
Interestingly enough, my wife and I have the same 2 bikes and hers is white and mine is red.

Thanks for the comment. Funny stuff about having the same bikes. We originally bought a red 2011 G650GS for me. My wife took the motorcycle class and then rode it to a Horizons Unlimited event and was hooked. I bought a 2012 G650GS Sertao (only available in white) but liked the red so we swapped the body panels between bikes.