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adjustable shifter


not so retired
Staff member
Asked this over on 1150.com, 55 views today,no answers....

Helen has a short reach from peg to shift lever on her 1150R, some of her riding boots with defined heels places the lever nearer her toes ,making shifting difficult without moving foot forward every time, see that Touratech has a 1150GS adjustable lever. wondering if anyone has dealt with this problem or this GS option?
Looking at parts fiche, the R and the GS do not use same OEM lever , yet they look the same in attachment points and angle,guessing the peg surface is the major difference.:dunno

here is the GS shifter from Touratech:


and a measurement detail:


I have the adjustable levers on my GS and RT because I have the opposite problem of BIGFOOT.
Helen would be better off to wear boots without a pronounced heel if she can. Higher heels do not make reaching the ground any better if that is the reason. I caution my MSF students to not wear pronounced heels for cycle riding. A low heel which blends into the boot sole is a better choice because it doesn't limit your foot position on the footpegs.
Not a height issue at all. She just got a pair of SIDI's that are giving her fits and they don't have that big of a heel transition...Another pair does have a hard edge 90, those are the ones that really got me looking. I'll "suggest":stick , and I think she does look for minimal heels anyway...