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93 K75 SA transmission leak


New member
Without tearing it apart, could someone let me know the part/ seal needed for a small drip coming from the rear of the trans/ driveshaft connection point. Losing an once every month or so and would like to order the part before teardown. Rear output shaft seal??

Can't find it on Bob's BMW exploded views, any advice/leads appreciated

There are two possible places:

Most likely the boot that goes around the clutch release rod ( the end of the clutch bell crank). 23131338731 about $35


The boot between the tranny and the swing arm (the larger of the two boots)
23131338731 about $18.

When you say boots, I think of boots that keep dust out, not as fluid seals. So these two boots do all of the transmission output sealing of gear oil and there are no traditional seals( like wheel bearing or rear main seals on autos)?!. My manual does not give me a clear exploded or other and was hoping to order the right part before tear down. Thanks for your patience. I was hoping to tear it all down this winter but spring arrived before I got around to it.

The small clutch release rod boot DOES do all the sealing of the oil that gets past the throwout bearing piston and is the most likely culprit.

The larger swing arm boot will get some oil into it even though there is a seal on the output shaft of the tranny.

A small tear in either will cause some dripping and allow water dirt and grit into parts that won't like it.
