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'77 R100S: Carb issue?

Yesterday, I decided to capitalize on the warm weather and work on my bike outside. It was originally running only on the left cylinder. I took the right carburetor off and cleaned all the jets again with carb spray, despite the holes looking clear to my eyes. After that, it fired on the right cylinder... and shot up to 4,000 RPM. If I pull the right side spark plug wire, it runs down to a more normal 900, and it fluctuates between that and dying.

I also sprayed carb cleaner through the little brass hole on the intake side of the carburetor, then blew air through it. I've only done this to the right side carb.

Adjusting the choke and the mixture screw on the bottom doesn't seem to do anything. I'm worried about tightening it too much and wedging the tip in.
The right side carburetor is sucking in lots of air. The left side isn't.

EDIT: I moved the nut from the top of the bolt to the bottom. It stopped sucking air, but the revs are still high. I backed off the throttle actuator adjuster screw so it doesn't touch. Revs still high.
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