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2023 Getaways Are Becoming Public


I spy with my little 👁

Here’s their first public Getaway to Fontana Dam, NC. 21-23 April.

The second one follows shortly in May in New Mexico - that don’t suck much neither!

We’re gonna be otherwise distracted, but start making your plans soonest.
These are fun events with some awesome roadways in the vicinity!

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao!
HSV-Karen & HSV-Phil
USN-Ret'd —--&-— USAF-Ret’d

'09 F650GS-twin - '14 K-GT
'82 R100CS ——— '75 R90S
’08 CRF230L —--— ’09 KLX250S
'16 R1200RS —-— ’05 Vespa 200L
There was a Getaway last year in February. Will have to wait and see.

From what I hear, there will not be a Gulf Coast Getaway this year. Based on the Board minutes, the Getaways are getting a revamp this year.

I spy with my little ��

Here’s their first public Getaway to Fontana Dam, NC. 21-23 April.

The second one follows shortly in May in New Mexico - that don’t suck much neither!

We’re gonna be otherwise distracted, but start making your plans soonest.
These are fun events with some awesome roadways in the vicinity!

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao!
HSV-Karen & HSV-Phil
USN-Ret'd —--&-— USAF-Ret’d

'09 F650GS-twin - '14 K-GT
'82 R100CS ——— '75 R90S

’08 CRF230L —--— ’09 KLX250S
'16 R1200RS —-— ’05 Vespa 200L

Already registered for Fontana with my lodge room booked...This is always a fun gathering with great roads. See you there.
