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2016 LC BMW lower Crash Bar alignment issue.


New member
I have a 2016 LC Triple Black. I had the dealer install a BMW lower crash bar. But it appears that the bar is closer to one cylinder than the other. The dealer says that's because the cylinders are offset to one side more than the other. If they were true, one would think that BMW designed the crash bars to account for the offset either by the design of the bars themselves or by install of a spacer. Dealer also says this is a problem with all aftermarket crash bars as well. Touratech, SW Motech, etc. I am having a hard time understanding why this would be the case. Anyone else have the same issue?

They are all like that.

The cylinders are offset because one connecting rod is ahead of the other on the crankshaft. Keeping equal spacing on both sides would cause symmetry problems with auxiliary lighting and highway pegs. Those of us with OCD just have to accept that some things just don't align the way we expect.
Of set

I had the same reaction when I installed my Ilium Works bars. Called the company and confirmed that is the way it is.
I had the same reaction when I installed my Ilium Works bars. Called the company and confirmed that is the way it is.

I didn't notice it initially, but when I started mounting auxiliary lights on the Ilium bars, my first reaction was "I've been sold a lemon . . . this bike has been crashed!" Then, I started up my brain and realized what was going on. :)