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2009 Barber Vintage Festival Pix


New member
Had a blast!!!


More pix here: http://jonesy.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Barber09/9936289_Ag8Lu/1/678408193_B97ps
+1 Thanks for posting the pics -- I was just at Barber a couple of weeks ago and know I'm going back for a longer visit next time. :bikes
WOW...what great pictures !!! I had planed on going but canceled because of the weather forcast. looks like you had a great time. thanks for sharing.
Rode up to Birmingham on Oct 2 and spent most of Sat at the Barber Motorsports Museum and Complex. Thanks, :bow for digital camers and 2 gig SD cards. I found my first bike a Honda 305 Dream and my second a BSA 441 Shooting Star among a fabulous collection of vintage motorcycles and cars. From board racing, GP, dirt, cruising, bobber, war time, etc, there were bikes that I'd only read about and others I never knew existed. The 5 story bldg overlooks a portion of the racetrack that decends in a right hand turn past a gravel trap to a short straight. The track designers and grounds keepers have done an exceptional job in fitting the challanging track in a such a picturesque setting. I plan on returning next year with a better camera (more mega pixels). Ride Safe :usa :usa :usa
Great pictures, thanks. How does this compare to the AMA Vintage Days at Mid Ohio? Anyone been to both? If you could only attend one or the other, is there a preference?
A few pics from my recent visit

The first real street bikes I rode were a Honda and Kawasaki -- so I'm kind of partial.


I was hoping to spot a '78 KZ650 -- but no luck. Here's another great Kawasaki..


I stared at this one for awhile, too....


My riding buddy pointed out this model specifically -- he used to race one just like it.....1980 Yamaha TZ 250 G

At my website you can display higher resolution images of the pictures (look in the upper right hand part of the screen). When I zoomed in on the sign in front of the bike it read "1973 Kawasaki Z1 900"

Thanks for the photos -- you got some great shots. Say, you wouldn't happen to remember the year and model KZ (black & orange tank) you photoed?

A lot of people camp/motorhome on site at the track. They have had the church there for the last 3 years that I have attended. It is actually pretty nice and large. I seem to recall they hold a Sunday service for the Campers. I don't go to church so I never dug deeper but that's what I was told.