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2004 R1150RS, 47k Fuel tank nutplates


Active member
Cross threaded at RH fairing screw, first screw in front attaching to tank. I assume there is a nutplate there. Is that open to the tank and will that leak fuel now? Are these nutplates repairable?
Can't speak for the front one, but on my '04 RS, the rear-most one on the right side of the tank got cross-threaded sometime along the way...
No fuel leak, and I believe that would be true for the rest of them - otherwise they'd all eventually leak.
I tried using a bottom tap (a tap with a flat bottom instead of tapered), but the threads were so short I couldn't chase them.
Side note - on my present RT, the same right rear nut is showing signs of age; I have to use the shortest possible screw there. Grrr.
There has to be a better way of attaching those fairings. IT is a jigsaw puzzle trying to get them on. I have an anxiety attack when it is time to put them on for fear of exactly what happened.
I find a punch with almost the diameter of the bolt and make sure that the tank is aligned exactly with the hole before trying the bolt. Then HAND tighten the bolt before applying socket or wrench. But I agree - anxiety inducing time.
I am told by a reliable source that the nutplates are NOT open to fuel and therefore will "not" leak. Famous last words :)
I'd really like to see a cut-away as to what it looks like in there. Some day...
Not a cutaway view, but maybe try a mirror inside and a flashlight?

If they were exposed to fuel, they'd eventually corrode as the alloy metal reacts to the fuel.
Apologies for bumping a fairly dead thread a few months later, but assuming the tank is the same as on my 96 RS then they're not exposed to fuel. I cross threaded mine and the bolt was stuck fast, and in the process of trying to remove the bolt I ended up pulling the actual nut out as well.

I epoxied in a riv-nut as a "temporary" fix that I expected to do something about later, but it's been holding fast since, so I haven't given it much thought until I saw this post.

I received the bike with quite a few miles on it so I'm not sure whether the nuts I pulled out were OE or were a prior repair by an owner, but there was literally .. quite literally .. a round head capped nut that I pulled out with the cross threaded bolt. In either event, no fuel leak since, and my own "repair" is basically a straight-through open-ended nut that would have gushed gas by now :)
Apologies for bumping a fairly dead thread a few months later, but assuming the tank is the same as on my 96 RS then they're not exposed to fuel. I cross threaded mine and the bolt was stuck fast, and in the process of trying to remove the bolt I ended up pulling the actual nut out as well.

I epoxied in a riv-nut as a "temporary" fix that I expected to do something about later, but it's been holding fast since, so I haven't given it much thought until I saw this post.

I received the bike with quite a few miles on it so I'm not sure whether the nuts I pulled out were OE or were a prior repair by an owner, but there was literally .. quite literally .. a round head capped nut that I pulled out with the cross threaded bolt. In either event, no fuel leak since, and my own "repair" is basically a straight-through open-ended nut that would have gushed gas by now :)
No apologies necessary :) Good to read your "find". I am sure others could benefit from your experience. Thanks.