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1997 k1100lt

In the position where i can buy a 97 K bike.Bike has 38,000 miles and in fairly good condition for a good price.(under 4k)Issues I have are there are no service
records at all.The ABS light on at all times,the oil pan is damp with oil with no drips.I did ride it and it rode good.4th and 5th shifting felt different than the rest.Felt more like it snapped in gear more.Getting the bike for a good price is a plus but doing a complete service out of the gate I have concerns.Just needing some advise on the bike.
Welcome to the forum.

Check out Ted Verrill's excellent write up on buying a used BMW. I did, but didn't heed all of his advice. I opened my checkbook after the purchase and perhaps could have avoided most of the pain if I had looked into the issues he raises a little more. I know he's not a fan of folks taking his info and posting it around, but a quick google will give you what you need.

Other than that, I'm no expert, but 4K seems on the steep side for bike with no history. If you check everything out and it's perfect, maybe that's a deal then. I don't know where you are, and that has a lot to do with it.

Do take the time to dig into the bike a bit before you buy it.

Happy riding!
ABS light on at all times could be as simple as the relay got fried when the owner tried to start it with a low battery. Used to cost under $50 to replace, but usually you can open it up and separate the contacts and clean them up. Very common situation. You will want to do the research suggested. Oil pan being damp could be a number of things. Is it coming from the mated surface between the clutch housing and the engine? If so, a seal the back of the engine or front of the tranny may need replacing (big expensive job at a dealer, but reasonable if you have the time and are reasonably handy), or it could be coming from the front of the bike, or a sloppy oil change. Good luck
The oil on the oil pan could be something as simple as the oil filter cover needing a new gasket. I would also make sure the oil isn't coming from the drain hole on the bottom of the transmission. Thats usually a rear main bearing leak. Both my K bikes rear mains started leaking when the bikes were in the 12-15 year old range.

Get the leak fixed and the bikes are total work horses. My 93 K1100LT has been tugging a bushtec while two up to rallies forever. When I had the rear main leak fixed I also put in a new clutch since they were already in there and the trailer has to put more strain on it.

As much as the bike your looking at has sat i would also take the gas cap off and reach in and check the rubber piece that the fuel pump sits in. When gas goes bad it some how turns that rubber piece into something the consistancy of tar. When that happens it will clog and kill the fuel pump. (oops for some reason I thought I had read the bike had 8K miles instead of the 38K miles)
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