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09 1200 rt speaker connector


New member
hi newbie here who bit the bullet and bought bmw speakers for above mentioned bike. puttiing alpine head unit with remote faceplate is the plan. thought i read somewhere that some one had came up with connector/plug for the bmw male end. guess i'm looking for the female mate to plug in if that makes sense.

thanks in advance if someone knows what will work.
haven't called dealer to see if they will sell just the plugs i'm wanting,there wiring harness for the stereo was 300 bucks!!!

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bmw is awfully stingy with wiring info! all i want to do is hook there expensive speakers up! sheesh wouldn't think it would be this hard! Grassroots in Cape parts guys thinks he might have figured out what i need,he says his info is not much better than what we have access to....
bmw is awfully stingy with wiring info! all i want to do is hook there expensive speakers up! sheesh wouldn't think it would be this hard! Grassroots in Cape parts guys thinks he might have figured out what i need,he says his info is not much better than what we have access to....

Hi, I did a little looking around for you using the search function in the upper right hand corner of the screen, came up with this http://forums.bmwmoa.org/showthread.php?t=40287&highlight=speaker There are more but in this one there is a mention of a wiring diagram. This will also give your post a bump. Hope it helps, Gary