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Search Box

Welcome to the forum!

As I don't have an iPad, it's quite possible that the display you see is different than others. The search box is in the upper right of the screen. You should see a blank box with a magnifying glass next to it...type what you want in the box. Underneath that is "Advanced Search" which takes you to another screen with more controls.

Maybe someone with an iPad can fill in the gaps. Once we get some kind of resolution, we'll move this to the Software Help area of the forum.

OK I'm on desktop now and search box is visible. It was obscured on IPad
Searched "dual plugging". Got no responses?????
Great...making some progress!! Are you interested in dual plugging as it pertains to the Airheads models? If so, then you should try the "Search This Forum" link that is slightly below the box. That will limit the search to just the Airheads forum. Try typing just "dual plug" (no quotes and no -ing)...I get quite a few hits. Note that the returns will be for threads with the word "dual" and "plug" in them...so you'll have to look around a bit to find what you need.

Try that and see how it goes. Once you've looked around some, try posting in a new thread your specific question and some of the other members can jump in with their experience.

In the Resources and Links thread farther down the board, there is a link to Tom Cutter's dual plugging article. He says it's a bit out of date, but the concepts are valid:

- the link is http://www.rubberchickenracinggarage.com/Downloads/TomCutterDualPlugIgnition.pdf

Another BMW member has a webpage dedicated to dual plugging...it might be a bit overwhelming at first, but there's good information there:

I give up. Where's the "search" box?
Does using IPad present any special toolbar problems?

The search box gets partially obscured by a "shadowy" box marked Forum when I'm on the iPad. The only other thing I notice is that my post number doesn't seem to change when I reply using the pad. (Which in all honesty is all I really use these days!) good luck with your search.