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angel bells?


I had a HD rider ask me yesterday if I'd be interested in hanging an "angel bell" on my bike. It's supposed to soak up all the bad spirits that cause malfunctions and breakdowns into the bell, then drop them down to the road away from you. According to the "legend", that's what causes potholes. Considering the source, I didn't feel as if I needed it.

Anybody else out there feel the need?
So that's what that thing is hanging off the bottom of the HD parked next to me. I thought it was something to do with all the stuffed animals hanging on the back rack.
As I understand it, part of the "karma" of the bell thing is that somebody has to give the bell to you, buying one for yourself defeats the purpose.

true Steve. Also, in my neck of the woods many clubs have one bell that they pass around to the last guy to go down. Supposedly to change his luck and keep him upright.
learn something every day

Here I thought potholes came from ice/snow/thaw/trucks.
Actually, the real legend about the bells.....called Freedom Rider Bells....road demons that cause all kinds of problems can't stand harmony, so goes that the faint sounds of the bell drives the demons away....nothing about catching them and then dumping them back on the road...and Steve was right...giving them gives them more power.....TaDa!!!!!;)
My sister and her Harley riding husband gave me a bell right after I got my R/RS a year ago. Hey, as a new rider, I figured I needed all the luck I could get. Over 7k mostly weekend miles in the first year and the bell is still there. BTW, supposedly, pot holes are created by those demons as they fall off your bike.
Guess there's a pothole on US212 in Wyoming, not far from the SD border. Heard it tinkle down my leg as it went away.

hmmm. tinkle. don't say it. :brow

Gremlin Bells

Around this neck of the woods, Harleys are everywhere. In fact Amarillo, Tx. has one of the largest HOG chapters in the country. That being said, the bells can be seen everywhere. The locals call them Gremlin bells. It appears that giving a buddy a bell has many conotations, like catching the gremlins in your bike and dropping them on the road. Giving a bell is considered a sign of respect for you as a rider and friend. So, for me, having received a bell is an honor regardless of who it came from or what they ride. I proudly have mine hanging from the bottom of my R1200C. I feel that the local tradition sort of forms a brotherhood that reaches across brand-name lines and would proudly sport one on the RT if it is ever given. Meanwhihle, I have to go work on the RT as it seems the brake lights stay on continually; hmmmm, maybe it needs a Gremlin bell. :dunno
Motorcycle Bells

The little bells are very popular here in Flairida also-mostly Brand-Name specific.........

I think the plain "old Fashioned" bell would be most suitable for Airheads, while a slick fabricator could come up with an LED/LCD display for the new Oilheads, with an electronic generated "tinkle,".....it could have speed/traffic compensation, so as noise increased, the "tinkle" would get louder, to offend the demons away, when the old fashioned tinkler would never be heard.

The fabricator could also design-in about a 3 year life span for the sound module, and put it in the start circuit, so you could never ride off without the DDPS (digital demon protection system) being active.

If you don't respect Newton, you better respect Darwin!!!

Cheers, Shep
I think those bells are just HOG wash. I did see a Ford truck yesterday that really did have a set of... huge balls (as in testicles) hanging from the back side of it. The truck must have been a male,ya reckon? I'm sure it will not be long until we see those on Harleys too.:brow
My gosh Lorazpam, un-freaking unbelievable! yep,look for these"nutz" on the next chromed out shake and rattle and watch for falling parts Harley.

Oh, Round table discussion at work yesterday a.m; One of the ladies starts talking about how her and her husband trailer-ed their bikes up to some park and rode around. Another Doctor in our group leaned over and whispered to me,"Harleys I bet". He then asked her if they had Harleys,and she was so proud to answer "why yes,it's the only motorcyle to own"! We laughed our arses off!:bliss :bliss
Gnome said:
My gosh Lorazpam, un-freaking unbelievable! yep,look for these"nutz" on the next chromed out shake and rattle and watch for falling parts Harley.

Spotted on a Kawasaki in Washington state...


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