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Jay Leno's Suzuki RE5 rotary

i used to chat with a guy who had one at a local bike night. much rattier than jay's though.

One of the bikes I saw on the show room and said "Man, is that complex!"
Leno does a good job explaining it and nice to hear there is still a few that run.
Now I wish I had my 1969 Ducati 350 Scrambler.



Here's another try at a Wankel motorcycle. Picture was taken at the Glen Curtis Museum in Hammondsport, NY.
The museum alone is worth a trip to the Finger Lakes Rally.
Thanks. That was pretty cool. I saw one at a bike show this winter tucked between a few uninspiring mid seventy's Japanese bikes. I walked right by it at first....Rod:thumb
on our way to the National last year, we spent a night in a motel in Iowa (day was dreadfully hot & humid, and we needed to commune with the Blessed God of A/C). Owner of the motel was eager to show off some of his collection of hot cars (a Model T with original paint, a 'hopped up '66 Chevelle SS, a sweet old T-Bird of late 50's vintage, etc). He used to be a Suzuki dealer in the town. Had a GT350, mint, and a fully dressed out RE-5 with factory bags & fairing, and under 10,000 miles on it. Turned the ignition on, just so he could show us the gauge cover do its retraction thing.

Also had the brother of a friend of mine that "owned" one once, back in '76 or so. the brother, Paul, only "owned" it becuase he had actually "borrowed" it to take a test drive on from a dealer, and kind of "forgot" to return it. That happened about a year before i rode on the bike. he eventually killed it on a x-c run while in the Nevada desert when the chain broke. Tied the throttle open and just walked away. Said it made some horrendous nioses jsut before it went silent. yeah, he wasn't a very well-socialized boy. Rode a "borrowed" 1975 GL1000 for most of a year, before getting caught. Not sure how long he was locked up for that- i was making sure to keep plenty of distance between us at that point.