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Your Forum Moderation Team

The BMW MOA Forums are run by a volunteer staff. These volunteers often devote a significant number of hours a week to ensure that the forums are up and running and continue to be the friendly community that we've built since 1997. Their job is to keep the discussion inside the lines. They do not always read every single post, so if you see something that violates our rules or guidelines, please report the post. There is a "report post" button on the left-hand side of the screen that will ask you to explain the problem and it will email the moderator immediately.

Click here to see a current list of Moderators.

This page is also available from the "View Forum Leaders" link at the bottom of the forum main page. You can also see who the moderators are for a particular subforum by looking at the bottom of that subforum's main page.

In addition to these moderators, several people, including paid staff, keep the forum running smoothly. They include:

Kurt Schrader - 20774
Forum Liaison

Steve Henson - Henzilla
Forum Admin
