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Cup Holder


New member
Any suggestions on a cup holder? I have a 2016 R1200RT. I leave for work early in the morning and need my coffee at work. I don’t like buying Coffee, and would rather bring my own.
No help on a cup holder, but I solved the coffee at work issue with an Aeropress. I could nuke water in the break room microwave and enjoy coffee without the mess of a coffeemaker. I keep one of their travel units in the saddlebag so I don’t have to deal with the (usually disgusting) in-room coffeemakers.

But, that doesn’t help if you’re wanting to drink while underway...

No help on a cup holder, but I solved the coffee at work issue with an Aeropress. I could nuke water in the break room microwave and enjoy coffee without the mess of a coffeemaker. I keep one of their travel units in the saddlebag so I don’t have to deal with the (usually disgusting) in-room coffeemakers.

But, that doesn’t help if you’re wanting to drink while underway...


I just haul coffee in a stainless steel "thermos" bottle.
There are no shortage of high quality bottles (Hydro Flask, Yeti) to bring coffee to work. Really no need for a cup holder.

This is the one I have and it hangs from my crash bars. Works well.


Short clip of it in action
My cup holder: hydration system with Coleman half gallon cooler and drink tube.


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To those saying this would be torn off or collect bugs or hit cars or hit tool booths or parking garages. I live in northern New Hampshire. we don't really get bugs like most states and I don't have tight parking or parking garages so I've never had a problem. When I ride to work, I drop in my coffee, throw a leg over and my coffee is still hot when I arrive. No risk of spilling either.
I live in northern New Hampshire. we don't really get bugs like most states

No black flies in northern NH? They are very heavy in northern NY in the spring. It's true they aren't large, but they get right in your face and are very annoying.

No black flies in northern NH? They are very heavy in northern NY in the spring. It's true they aren't large, but they get right in your face and are very annoying.


Not really. it's weird because all of our neighbors have them really bad. Mosquitos are bad if you're sitting still.