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Average MPG on your RS?


Well-known member
I bought the 2016 RS a month ago. I've logged 47-50mpg on each tank. That includes some around town, twisties, and highways in various combinations.

My dealer/mechanic thought I'd get high 30's per gallon. I've quite a bit over that guess. I haven't taken the bike over 5Krpm's and usually shift at 38-4100 rpm's so I'm not one to be revving the motor much [ IOW, I don't horse the bike up through the gears ]. I carry 20#'s of kit total between panniers and another 7# in the soft top case.

What are others getting for mpg on their RS?

Just curious if it's the way I ride my motors or is this close to normal on these bikes
On two trips to Colorado this year my trip average was over 50mpg.
A trip to Arkansas was 49 or 50 mpg.
On my wife's RS she got the same trip avg on the Arkansas trip and I think she got one to two mpg less than me.
On two trips to Colorado this year my trip average was over 50mpg.
A trip to Arkansas was 49 or 50 mpg.
On my wife's RS she got the same trip avg on the Arkansas trip and I think she got one to two mpg less than me.

I know you two do a lot of miles, so your results on the same bike, that mirror my own so far, is encouraging.
If I stay on the secondary roads, with out bags or top box, crusing 50-60 I get upwards of 55mpg.

If I go on the interstate with bags and top box (about a 5mpg hit) cruse 70-80 I get about 45

Aggressive mountain twisties 40 to 100, avg RPM 6000.... a lot less but what fun!

ps well broken in 40k miles

I average 46-47; 70-75 mph on the slab, spirited on the 2 lanes. Buddy with XR is 10-12 mph less.
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At a cruise-controlled 120km/h, I use 4.5 liters per 100km. That works out to 51.6 mpg at 75 MPH. Couldn't be happier.