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When to Replace Armor Protection Pads?

Interesting. Something I've never thought about:


The life expectancy will depend on the conditions the material endures and how it is looked after during use and storage.

D3O® protectors are designed to withstand multiple impacts. However, the re-use-ability of the protectors will depend on the severity of the impact. After any significant impact the protectors should be inspected by the end-user.


All D3O® materials are engineered to withstand multiple impacts. However, in the cases of extreme forces, the ability to recover fully may be compromised.

Similarly, the application and environment will affect their ability to withstand multiple impacts.


As a Klim customer, given that their suits are "end of life" after 2 years, Their D3O will outlast their suits. I'm not done with Klim (yet) but the amount of $2,000 jackets that rip after 2 years that Klim says they will refuse to repair even if I pay them is now up to 3 garments. They make great products but I wish they would stand behind them for the premium they charge.

I dislike Aerostitch's look but damned if they will repair your suit forever.
I dislike Aerostitch's look but damned if they will repair your suit forever.

I’m on my 3rd ‘Stich suit and have quite liked all of them—I’m never looking at them when I’m wearing them.:)

But I think repairs now end at the 10 or 15 year mark, not quite forever but much better that what one should reasonably expect.

As a Klim customer, given that their suits are "end of life" after 2 years, Their D3O will outlast their suits. I'm not done with Klim (yet) but the amount of $2,000 jackets that rip after 2 years that Klim says they will refuse to repair even if I pay them is now up to 3 garments. They make great products but I wish they would stand behind them for the premium they charge.

I dislike Aerostitch's look but damned if they will repair your suit forever.

If a manufacturer states that their product has a safety rating, it doesn’t surprise me that it’s difficult to have the manufacturer make a repair as it would most likely become a “de facto” recertification of safety value(s).

I purchased a Sailrite sewing machine and repair all my own clothing which seems to take a beating- as long as it doesn’t require a re-proofing like a Barbour jacket.

Sure some of the repairs can be tricky or may leave a scar in the fabric…..you can always say that you snagged a cactus on your last Grand Canyon jump attempt. ;)

I do tend to fix or repair items that were never intended to be fixed or repaired. I get personal satisfaction from my efforts.

I replace the level 1 junk styro looking bulky pads immediately with level 2 more advanced [ thinner and more flexible ] and then replace them every 3 years.

Compounds degrade over time, no need to worry about degradation. The armor isn't that cost prohibitive to not replace it for peace of mind.

3 jackets and 1 pair pants that take armor.
I dislike Aerostitch's look but damned if they will repair your suit forever.

I'm not a big fan of Aerostitch's look either. Some Motoport gear is even less attractive. The Motoport gear is custom made to your measurements that can't be beat. Aerostitch appears to be somewhat constructed to your measurements, IMO. I have long legs and long thighs to the point that off the rack gear has the knee pad too high and is very uncomfortable. As such, I'm limited to custom made gear.

IMO, looks comes after being comfortable and providing good protection. So, I don't mind if the gear I'm wearing is not fashionable.

I also like that both Aerostitch and Motoport provide repair services. I have a Motoport Kevlar mesh suit and sent my pants in about year ago for some repairs/modifications and the cost was very reasonable.
When to replace body amour in my opinion would be based on the environment in which one rides. In NE where I ride I tend to replace it every three years. Just normal wear and tear , and the drying out of the chemical components is enough to lesson the integrity of the pad. If I lived in the west with the heat and dryness, every year would be my choice. I ride wearing Klim and love it. If by chance I tore it by any means it would go in the trash and I would buy a new one. Because once the fabric is torn you have disrupted the entire integrity of the garment. What you don't see is the tiny micro tears in the fabric around that tear, and by trying to sew it together only puts more stress on the fabric, and that is why Klim won't repair the garment. I say this because of safety education as a superintendent in construction and the OHSA education on the integrity of safety equipment used by personnel. I inspect my gear each year and on a regular basis looking for any type of environmental damage or wear to make sure that it will protect me, could get expensive, but it is cheap insurance if I walk away unharmed.
I’m on my 3rd ‘Stich suit and have quite liked all of them—I’m never looking at them when I’m wearing them.:)

But I think repairs now end at the 10 or 15 year mark, not quite forever but much better that what one should reasonably expect.

I understand it to be 20 years, which rules mine out at 24 years old.

I moved to Dainese stuff and really like it.
I'm not a big fan of Aerostitch's look either. Some Motoport gear is even less attractive. The Motoport gear is custom made to your measurements that can't be beat. Aerostitch appears to be somewhat constructed to your measurements, IMO. I have long legs and long thighs to the point that off the rack gear has the knee pad too high and is very uncomfortable. As such, I'm limited to custom made gear.

IMO, looks comes after being comfortable and providing good protection. So, I don't mind if the gear I'm wearing is not fashionable.

I also like that both Aerostitch and Motoport provide repair services. I have a Motoport Kevlar mesh suit and sent my pants in about year ago for some repairs/modifications and the cost was very reasonable.

I've been using my Motoport two-piece suit 24/7/365 for five years and about 100,000 miles. The suit is 100% mesh, 100% Kevlar, quad-armored (4 layers) and has more armor body coverage than anyone (they claim and I've not seen anyone with more). With it being all mesh, you have to be a master at layering. Last year, I noticed some cracking in some of my armor components; I emailed Motoport; they asked for pictures; they had me send them measurements of the armor pieces; and they sent new replacements for everything that had cracks. They had to have specific measurements of my armor because the suit and armor components are custom tailored to me.

The first pic is me in my Motoport gear and Hit-Air Vest on my '17 RR during a run on the Tail of the Dragon. 2nd pic is me on my '21 XR, also on the Tail of the Dragon. P.S. I don't wear my Motoport gear on my G310GS; I wear all Mosko Moto gear for that type of riding.

RR at Tail of the Dragon.jpg

XR on Tail of the Dragon 2021 05 12 Cropped.jpg


  • XR on Tail of the Dragon 2021 05 12 Cropped.jpg
    XR on Tail of the Dragon 2021 05 12 Cropped.jpg
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Adam are you serious Klim says 2 years end of life?! Damn! My Adventure suit is really really nice but it's now been wetting out bad for the last couple of years. I'm pretty sure I will not go down that road again for the price. I'm seriously considering Aerostitch for replacement. The looks don't bother me a bit.
I had a friend who's Klim warranty was denied because the policeman who wrote the report said he was doing 31 mph in 25 mph despite the fact that the policeman neither saw the accident nor had any evidence of this 31 mph (it was a single vehicle accident). Klim denied the warranty because their fine print says the warranty is void if you're breaking the law. How convenient for them. He could get the police to correct the report, but he decided he was done with Klim. Based on this, I will never, ever, buy Klim.

In contrast, my Mosko Moto Kiger pants tuck into my Rev'it GTX Expedition Boots such that the pants are between my boot and my Asterisk Carbon Cell 1 knee braces. During my first year using the pants, the boots/brace combo rubbed a hole in the pants in the thin material inside the boot that starts just below the sturdier material that comprises the rest of the pants. I sent a picture to Mosko Moto and they responded that this was a known problem and they sent me a pair of 2nd gen Kiger pants that had the sturdier material extended further down the leg. Problem solved; no charge to me, not even shipping.

With companies like Aerostich, Motoport, and Mosko Moto around, I'm good.