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Park-n-move Alternatives


New member

Are there any quality alternatives to the Park-n-Move dolly? I've heard that Wunderlich used to make a similar product at a similar price. Is there anything else?

The Aerostich catalog shows a virtually identical "Center Stand Saddle Dolly" for $247 (Item # 3642) Aerostich's is aluminum and looks to be made out of a single piece, unlike the welded steel model. I don't know why aluminum would be better for this application since weight is not an issue, but it looks very nice in the catalog.

The Aerostich catalog shows a virtually identical "Center Stand Saddle Dolly" for $247 (Item # 3642) Aerostich's is aluminum and looks to be made out of a single piece, unlike the welded steel model. I don't know why aluminum would be better for this application since weight is not an issue, but it looks very nice in the catalog.


Everything looks nice in the Aerostich catalog. However, beyond the in-house produced clothing, the prices are a tad high. IMHO
Both of my bikes are sitting on Legal Speeding's dollys. I find they work as advertised. The do weigh a lot, but I only pick them up about once a year.
Forgive me the question but is there some reason you're looking for an alternative to the Park~N~Move from legal speeding?

I think one of the more important issues with almost any product we buy has to be how well is the customer served if there's a problem with the item.

I have the one from Legal Speeding. Early on, he got a bad batch of wheels. I had two crack about the same time. A quick phone call and within 3 days, had new wheels on the P~N~M, with an apology from the guy I spoke with [I believe Aaron was his name].

Really good product and excellent service. What's not to like?
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Forgive me the question but is there some reason you're looking for an alternative to the Park~N~Move from legal speeding?

Really good product and excellent service. What's not to like?

While it appears to of good quality, it's a simple design that could easily be produced at a lower cost in volume. In my opinion, it would be foolish to make a purchase without checking the alternatives. If there are no alternatives, I'll buy the Park-n-move.
There are alternatives. like the one shown on Riderwarehouse. That I saw, they're either higher in cost, huge or questionable in quality.

BTW, no interest in in the P~N~M - just a really satisfied user.
Cost -

As a guy who has worked in the steel business in the past and who looks at everything with an eye as to how it was made...the price for the P-N-M is fair.

Very heavy 1020 steel plate, a lot of very specific bends and stamping and there are six drilled holes (as I recall). The wheel assemblies are very high grade and do not come cheap.

Believe me, if I could have had it fabbed for a fraction of the price, I would have done so - in the end I bought Aaron's product:thumb