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R1200GSA to F800/900. Any input?


Hey all, I am the current owner of a ‘16 R1200GSA. Mulling over downsizing to a new 900GSA. Per the spec sheets I’m only losing around 35-40 lbs. Anyone have input as to how it performs 2 up and loaded? What kind of mpg could I expect? Do like my 7.9 gallon tank. Any other input is appreciated. Thanks
Please put more of what you mean into the thread titles you post. I thought there was going to be news about new BMW 800/900 models.
Hey all, I am the current owner of a ‘16 R1200GSA. Mulling over downsizing to a new 900GSA. Per the spec sheets I’m only losing around 35-40 lbs. Anyone have input as to how it performs 2 up and loaded? What kind of mpg could I expect? Do like my 7.9 gallon tank. Any other input is appreciated. Thanks
ONLY 35 or 40 pounds, not to mention the power of the 1200 that many people are unaware of or don’t use because they don’t want a driving record like I have
I just bought an F900-ADV and finished my first short trip. It had plenty of power and seemed more comfortable than my F800GS, especially in terms of leg room. For highway riding, I changed the gearing for lower RPMs on the 800. That doesn't seem to be needed for the 900. I have a 2007 R1200GS-ADV also, but haven't ridden it lately...electrical issues. My new 900 seems like a good choice for me as I ride mostly on pavement, with perhaps an ocasional dirt road thrown in. Compared to the 1200, I like the lower weight and profile, but with a large gas tank. My two main complaints about the 800 were tubed tires and the small gas tank. The 900 takes care of both of those issues. I plan to tour two-up later in the summer. We've toured on the 800 and it was fine. This should be even better. So far, MPG seems to be roughly 45 or so, with around 500 miles on the bike. Although the stock windshield is pretty good, I will probably add a windshield extender or larger windshield.
Just about any 750 class bike will be fine for one-up touring, and most will be at least adequate for the annual two-up vacation trip. Parallel twins generally carry their weight higher than a boxer twin, and so may feel heavier even if a few pounds lighter. Also, you may really miss the cleanliness and low maintenance of shaft drive if you do a lot of touring.

The original 650/700/800 F-twin engines all displace 800cc and were made in Austria by Rotax, while the later 750/850/900 engines are made in China by Loncin. Either appear to be reliable.
I just bought an F900-ADV and finished my first short trip. It had plenty of power and seemed more comfortable than my F800GS, especially in terms of leg room. For highway riding, I changed the gearing for lower RPMs on the 800. That doesn't seem to be needed for the 900. I have a 2007 R1200GS-ADV also, but haven't ridden it lately...electrical issues. My new 900 seems like a good choice for me as I ride mostly on pavement, with perhaps an ocasional dirt road thrown in. Compared to the 1200, I like the lower weight and profile, but with a large gas tank. My two main complaints about the 800 were tubed tires and the small gas tank. The 900 takes care of both of those issues. I plan to tour two-up later in the summer. We've toured on the 800 and it was fine. This should be even better. So far, MPG seems to be roughly 45 or so, with around 500 miles on the bike. Although the stock windshield is pretty good, I will probably add a windshield extender or larger windshield.
I just bought an F900-ADV and finished my first short trip. It had plenty of power and seemed more comfortable than my F800GS, especially in terms of leg room. For highway riding, I changed the gearing for lower RPMs on the 800. That doesn't seem to be needed for the 900. I have a 2007 R1200GS-ADV also, but haven't ridden it lately...electrical issues. My new 900 seems like a good choice for me as I ride mostly on pavement, with perhaps an ocasional dirt road thrown in. Compared to the 1200, I like the lower weight and profile, but with a large gas tank. My two main complaints about the 800 were tubed tires and the small gas tank. The 900 takes care of both of those issues. I plan to tour two-up later in the summer. We've toured on the 800 and it was fine. This should be even better. So far, MPG seems to be roughly 45 or so, with around 500 miles on the bike. Although the stock windshield is pretty good, I will probably add a windshield extender or larger windshield.
It goes to show that the original 100 horsepower cap that BMW observed decades ago is still current (for most)