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MRA X-Creen touring question


New member
Looking for some input, I'm trying to reduce some helmet buffeting on my 2007 R1200R. It came with 3 windshields when I bought it, the stock "touring" shield, a Cee Bailies touring, that uses the stock mount, and a Z Technik 20" tall shield. I've tried all three shields, and the Z Technik works the best for me until I get up to Hwy speeds, very loud, lots of buffeting. If I lower my head just an inch or two...silence! If it matters, I wear a Shoei modular helmet. Was wondering if any R1200R guys or gals out there have tried the MRA X-Creen on their bike, and how it worked. Any and all advice would be welcomed. Thanks!
Looking for some input, I'm trying to reduce some helmet buffeting on my 2007 R1200R. It came with 3 windshields when I bought it, the stock "touring" shield, a Cee Bailies touring, that uses the stock mount, and a Z Technik 20" tall shield. I've tried all three shields, and the Z Technik works the best for me until I get up to Hwy speeds, very loud, lots of buffeting. If I lower my head just an inch or two...silence! If it matters, I wear a Shoei modular helmet. Was wondering if any R1200R guys or gals out there have tried the MRA X-Creen on their bike, and how it worked. Any and all advice would be welcomed. Thanks!

Z-technic may make the screens in more than one height. Might be easiest to go with a taller shield.
I almost forgot, a lot of R1200R riders have used a spacer on the stock mounting frame to tilt the screen and reduce turbulence. Don Eilenberger will hopefully weigh in and provide the details.
I've used a cheap ebay clone of the x-creen on my K75S. Like you, I needed just an extra inch to drastically reduce helmet buffeting and noise. I like to have the option to move it down when you get into stuck in slow traffic or in the city and get some extra airflow.
I've used a cheap ebay clone of the x-creen on my K75S. Like you, I needed just an extra inch to drastically reduce helmet buffeting and noise. I like to have the option to move it down when you get into stuck in slow traffic or in the city and get some extra airflow.

Thanks drneo66, i'll check out ebay to see what i can find!
I almost forgot, a lot of R1200R riders have used a spacer on the stock mounting frame to tilt the screen and reduce turbulence. Don Eilenberger will hopefully weigh in and provide the details.

That's on my to-do list...would be a cheap fix, if it works, I'll post my results after I get "round-to-it"! Thanks