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MOA Getaway - Valley Forge, Pennsylvania -- August 4-6, 2023 CANCELED

The MOA Getaway at Valley Forge is being canceled for 2023 due to a lack of participation. We aren't able to meet the minimum requirements set forth by the hotel for rooms or food and beverage. If you are looking for a fall Pennsylvania event, check out the Laurel Highlands Weekend, September 21-24, 2023.
The MOA Getaway at Valley Forge is being canceled for 2023 due to a lack of participation. We aren't able to meet the minimum requirements set forth by the hotel for rooms or food and beverage. If you are looking for a fall Pennsylvania event, check out the Laurel Highlands Weekend, September 21-24, 2023.

What about all us riders here out west? The MOA Getaway at Cedar City was always a success if I recall.
What about all us riders here out west? The MOA Getaway at Cedar City was always a success if I recall.

It's always been my opinion that these events should be managed & promoted cooperatively between chartered clubs and the MOA, with the support of area dealers.

This arrangement would lead to a more genuine experience and a greater degree of engagement in each organization. The event in Pine Mountain, Kentucky was really wanting to be that...

It's always been my opinion that these events should be managed & promoted cooperatively between chartered clubs and the MOA, with the support of area dealers.

This arrangement would lead to a more genuine experience and a greater degree of engagement in each organization. The event in Pine Mountain, Kentucky was really wanting to be that...


More silly stuff from the good idea fairy.

For those who can’t connect the dots, this is what makes the Laurel Highlands Weekend happen = Jason Kaplitz
Living close to Valley Forge, I was looking forward to coming over and checking things out. I am a new RS owner. Are vendors participating at these events? The LHW event is now under consideration for me. The Somerset area is A LOT less crowded with traffic. Bethlehem Casino would also make a great destination in an area with MUCH BETTER driving roads with MUCH LESS traffic congestion. Thanks for all you do to organize these get togethers.