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Heading out for 3 months across the US - Looking for suggestions

Darn, looks like I missed you. I live about 20 miles from the BMW facility, would have been happy to meet up and show you some of the local roads. You got some great suggestions already, but if you come back to the Greenville area, let me know and I'll drop you some route and/or meet up.
Darn, looks like I missed you. I live about 20 miles from the BMW facility, would have been happy to meet up and show you some of the local roads. You got some great suggestions already, but if you come back to the Greenville area, let me know and I'll drop you some route and/or meet up.
Oh, that sucks. I would have liked to meet other folks from the forums. I did have some good suggestions, and a great time in the area. Next time you head up 276 to Brevard, NC, stop off at the Braken Mountain Bakery (https://brackenmountainbakery.weebly.com/). Great pastries. Good coffee. Very nice people.
20240502-getouttadodge.jpegHi all. I'm three weeks in to my three-month cross country road trip. So far, I've been through NJ, PA, WV, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA, TN, KY, and MO. Right now, I'm in Dodge City, KS (check out the Boot Hill Museum).

Today, I'm quite literally gettin' outta Dodge, and heading toward Pueblo CO.

If you're interested in following along, I post daily updates and have a real-time GPS tracker at http://amasur.me, and/or you can subscribe, and I'll send you an email every once in a while.

Ride safe all.
Hoping to see everyone at in Redmond soon.
I'm leaving NYC in 9 days (on April 11) on an epic (I hope) trip across the US. I expect to be back in late July - early August.

Here's a link to all the places I'm looking to visit so far: 2024 Cross Country - Google My Maps
I'd love suggestions, ideas or recommendations on places to ride, to see, to stay, or to eat!

I'm also planning to document the trip on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@AdamsLifeInBetween

Maybe I'll see you on the roads...drop me a line, if you'd like.
My old r90/6 has been around, on two occasions greatly enjoying the ride from NYC to southern Ohio, traveling along the Ohio River as much as possible, you can leap off to anywhere easily from here,
l’ve worked on beemers from Alaska, Panama, Nova Scotia, among others,
I’m about to retire and disappear on my k1300gt, I don’t even care where I’m going
While in southern Utah, do not miss Hwy. 12 from Torrey to Escalante. One of the most magnificent roads ever! If you are able, spend the night in Boulder, UT and have dinner at Hell's Backbone Grill, recently ranked as Utah's best restaurant.
Thanks for this. That's the plan for tomorrow...or maybe the next day.