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Anyone Planning the Puppy Dog in VT this Summer?



I originally heard about this route from Paul Bach a few years back and I missed out on the opportunity to ride VT with him. I googled it this morning and found evidence of past runs documented by the BMW of VT club, but I don't see anything pending for this summer. Anyone planning to take a crack at it from MA to Canada this season? I'd love to ride it...on GS or dualsport.
It will be June 2-3 this year. If you go to the calendar on http://www.vtbmwmov.org/calendar/ I believe there are links to maps.

I may go this year. It depends on how Barley and I are doing building up our daily mileage for the rally in MO. If we get many opportunities for training rides I'll take the 2-wheeler and join the group. If not, we'll be out on 3 wheels that weekend.

Like you, Paul instilled a desire to do this ride.
I see it on the calendar and I found the directions...not a lot of detail regarding coordinlation. I'll keep watching and poking around.
I see it on the calendar and I found the directions...not a lot of detail regarding coordinlation. I'll keep watching and poking around.

The route changes a bit every year or so. Probably a bit more this year due to damage from Irene. Once the snow melts and the mud firms up a bit the MOV will have scouts out to evaluate. One thing's for sure with the MOV: the food will be good and plentiful! :thumb