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A Sweet Canyon, The Peak to Peak Scenic Byway - Vid/Images

Excellent stuff as always!

The Echo Lake vid was especially gripping for me. I'd done those roads several times in the car with my non-riding best friend who lives in Denver, but this summer I finally got to ride them on the way to Gillette. I recognised several spots along the way and the memories are great. Can't wait to ride up there again sometime.

This was taken along that road:

Veg... I know where that sign is! Can be nice to see a vid of a road ridden. During the Echo Lake vid one can see how I don't spend much time looking to the scenery off to the side. One doesn't want to be distracted too long on that road at speed!

Awesome, Steve; I loved the pace, and knocking off the slower traffic. Good choice of sound track, too.

I take it enforcement is light this time of year? :D

Hey rinty thanks. Good to hear from you. On a week day, late autumn... rolled the enforcement dice :). At the very end however I roll off the throttle with some white vehicles parked off to the side. False alarm.

It reminds me, I have a number of LEO friends. They are real world about all this. My salesman friend at Foothills BMW tells me of an annual trip he takes with Colorado State Patrol friends, one who is a state head traffic safety supervisor, and when they're off on their trip... let's just say the bikes are well exercised. Same for those public safety servants I ride with on sportbike club rides. :dunno :)
Peak to Peak

...some white vehicles...False alarm...sfarson

When I saw those flash by in the video, I thought they would have given me a heart attack.

D**n fishermen / hikers.

One of the guys on the Rennlist just posted that he was out, exercising his 911 at about 125+, when he was pulled over. Turned out the officer was also a 911 owner, and just wanted to look the car over. Talk about luck.
I love it. Haven't been out that way for too long. Must go...wish I still had my K bike as you're correct about that sweet sound the motor makes and that awesome power.

Thanks for sharing your video tips. I recently picked up a POV 1 camera that I tried out. It's not too bad. I used it a magic arm for my first shots with it (be hard to use the clamp and arm on a K bike--the supertanker has crash bars :D).

Anyhow, thanks again for St. Vrain :thumb

<object width="425" height="318"><param name="movie" value="http://cdn.smugmug.com/ria/ShizVidz-2008120101.swf" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=ZT0xJmk9Mzk2ODg0MTM5Jms9b1lVTUgmYT02Mjg3NDQ2XzRQTFNQJnU9aWFuNDA4" /><embed src="http://cdn.smugmug.com/ria/ShizVidz-2008120101.swf" flashVars="s=ZT0xJmk9Mzk2ODg0MTM5Jms9b1lVTUgmYT02Mjg3NDQ2XzRQTFNQJnU9aWFuNDA4" width="425" height="318" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>

mundo... I connected a bulletcam from helmetcamera.com to a Sony MiniDV in a fanny pack. A nasty network of cables, and often a hassle to set-up, but when pointed the right direction... up/down, right/left, and rotation... the results are often decent.

Other vids with this set-up and bike...

Over Juniper Pass to Echo Lake to Lunch - Streaming Video

An asent of Loveland Pass - Streaming Video

I'm about to up grade my cam and that was just what I was thinking. Thanks for the info. My other travel camera is a Sony 900 that would take a cam like your . What model Sony are you recording on ? Your stuff looks great , nice color and steady. I've been useing a cheap ass ATC 2000 to make stuff like this ..
thanks for the reply and the video ... mundo
I love it. Haven't been out that way for too long. Must go...wish I still had my K bike as you're correct about that sweet sound the motor makes and that awesome power.

Thanks for sharing your video tips. I recently picked up a POV 1 camera that I tried out. It's not too bad. I used it a magic arm for my first shots with it (be hard to use the clamp and arm on a K bike--the supertanker has crash bars :D).

Anyhow, thanks again for St. Vrain :thumb

Ian... That is an excellent ride vid! Smooth and very well done... a dance with the road, back and forth. Sweet.

And yes, the St. Vrain vid does capture in places that oustanding exhaust note of the K bike. I watch the recordings sometime just to hear it again. :)
I'm about to up grade my cam and that was just what I was thinking. Thanks for the info. My other travel camera is a Sony 900 that would take a cam like your . What model Sony are you recording on ? Your stuff looks great , nice color and steady. I've been useing a cheap ass ATC 2000 to make stuff like this ..
thanks for the reply and the video ... mundo

Mundo... That was an excellent Bonneville vid! I hope to go there someday. The MiniDV camcorders I've found working best with bulletcam feeds are the Sony HC line. They have the necessary ports including a very useful lanc port for controlling the recording with a remote while riding, versus having to pull over and stop to start/pause the recording.
ya know Steve, on a day like today, with the wake-up temps hovering just above 0 degs, that is a warming video, as you power up the South St.
reminds me that that there is hope for us to yet again to be absorbed by the beauty of our canyon roads.
it will be time again soon, my friend, soon.
Amen Joe.

You have one of the sweetest snakes of asphalt in your neighborhood.

BTW, been exploring via Google Earth all kinds of "unsurfaced" roads and rides to the west of you... Laramie River Canyon north/east of Cameron Pass, west of Red Feather Lakes, etc. and etc. These kinds of rides always deliver the memories. Need to hook up in '09 and explore.
Amen Joe.

You have one of the sweetest snakes of asphalt in your neighborhood.

BTW, been exploring via Google Earth all kinds of "unsurfaced" roads and rides to the west of you... Laramie River Canyon north/east of Cameron Pass, west of Red Feather Lakes, etc. and etc. These kinds of rides always deliver the memories. Need to hook up in '09 and explore.
