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2001 K1200RS - electrical


New member
Owner of a 2001 K1200RS with approximately 140,000 km on the odometer. We just came back from a weekend trip through New York State and back to Ontario. Several times during the trip the bike did nothing when trying to start it. Ignition on, side stand up, in neutral, clutch pulled in and nothing. Headlight not even on. Putting the bike in gear, rocking it back and forth a couple of times and it starts when retried. Condition seems to happen after the bike has been turned off for only a short time (gas stop). I don't understand how rocking the bike back and forth could help. On the last part of the journey the turn signals stopped working. If I held the turn signal button down the turn signal might signal once and stop. The 4 way flashers worked fine. Stopped for dinner and after starting the bike the turn signalls worked fine, Has anyone experience the same? Any suggestions on where to start trouble shooting. Thanks Jack :dunno
I'll take a WAG at this. The earlier K models use the starter as a major ground point. When the brushes would get worn/dirty the bike would exhibit similar symptoms. The cure was to clean the commutator and dress/replace the brushes. I don't know if the 12's used the same system or not.
thnaks for the advice on electrical issues

Thanks Bobmws & lostboy for your input. Looks like I got myself a winter project. :laugh