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Searching Forums

happy wanderer

Day Dreaming ...
Is it possible to search these forums for more than just one OR more words?
I guess my question is: is there an AND function?

I would like to find information on "how to remove the clutch switch" on an airhead bike.
It does not seem possible to search for a string of words or say, "clutch" AND "switch" which would be more likely to find the answer I want.
The search function only searches for the keywords "clutch" OR "switch" OR both which results in far too many replies almost none which contain what I am looking for.
Is there a better way to search?
Doesn't look like it. No additional "", +, -, AND, NOT, etc. seems to make a difference on searching. The only way I have found to try and limit the returns is by carefully choosing what to search for, especially if I know of a particular post or thread I'm looking for. If I can remember a fairly unique word used during that thread, I'm more likely to find it. But if you're doing a generic search, it appears to be much more difficult.

What I tend to do is use the advanced search feature and select "Show Posts" as opposed to the "Show Threads" default. That way, the first few lines of each post show up and I can quickly scan that to see if I'm interested. If the thread is shown, I really don't know what's inside the thread.
To search in the public areas of the forum, you may find it easier and more sophisticated to use Google search. You're probably familiar with Google's capabilities, such as what Kurt mentions. Use those features, but before you start typing your search keywords into Google, type:


This will limit your results to the MOA's website and forums (that are publicly visible).