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Will 2011 fuel sensor work in 2010 RT?


New member
They redesigned the fuel strip for the 2011 models with a float type sensor. I asked the dealer if they could put that in my 2010. He said he did not think it would work. So does anyone know if this would work or has it been done?
I looked at the parts fiche last week, seems like an all new assy with the float set up. The connector is prob the same. I do not know if the signal to the ZFE/motoronic would be a software issue. They have to calibrate replacement strips as it is now.

Seems costly at first glance.:dunno
If someone can.....

Make a kit to retro fit a float system to work on a strip system, I would buy one.

But, if you could just turn off the idiot light, I would jump on that one too! :banghead
I'm with you. The blinking "FUEL" light is madening. I just had the 5th sensor installed. It seems like BMW could save a ton of money by installing a retrofit kit.
I had a early K100 with a device that measured fuel tempature for fuel level, it never worked right, then around 89 or 90 they installed a propper float in the K's and it worked perfect, seems they did'nt learn a thing, technology is good but if it's not broke.
I've had my second fuel strip go out on my 2010 RT...maybe...it says my tank is always full. I'm not sure if I'm going to even bother getting it fixed until they come up with something that works. I've been using the fuel tank feature on my Garmin and it works a lot better than anything else so far.
Fuel Strip

My gauge is beginning to act a little off on my 2010 RT with 16,000 miles.

First, I ran out of gas when my BC said I had 20 miles to go. I once was forced to ride about 22 miles after it hit 0.0! After that I had a lot of trust on my gauge so when it said 20 I figured I was good to go.

Yesterday I showed 2 bars but had 272 miles of city & country riding so I fueled up. Bike took 6 gallons. Good mileage but I was below 1 gallon yet got no warning on my dash.

So... Yeah! Would be great if we could upgrade our systems. The dealer offered to calibrate my system but he's 265 miles away.

Mine was replaced at the 600 mile checkup. It's going in for the 18,000 checkup in a couple of days. It's been good...knock on wood! I will say I'll be replacing my second left switch assy (cruise won't bump down, high beam won't go on unless "tickled", and windshield is hard to push "down"). But, it's been a great bike so far.