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BMW announces takeover of Harley-Davidson



(MUNICH, GERMANY) Norbert Reithofer, CEO of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, announced today that Harley-Davidson Motor Company has accepted a friendly merger agreement by BMW and will combine their motorcycle manufacturing facilities. Mr. Keith E Wandell, CEO of Harley-Davidson, will become president of the the worldwide motorcycle division, which will include the current BMW Motorrad division, Harley-Davidson, and Husqvarna.

"We have long felt the need to diversify our motorcycle production by adding models more attuned to the cruiser market," Herr Reithofer said. "With our current BMW line, our Husqvarna line, and now the new Harley-Davidson line, we will be able to penetrate all parts of the worldwide motorcycle market."

Mr. Wandell stated that the move, which has taken the motorcycling world by surprise, was accepted by Harley-Davidson as a way to strengthen its capital base, which has never recovered from the 2008 financial meltdown. "We also are looking for ways to streamline our operations by combining research and development, design, and marketing components of our motorcycle lines."

The two men showed off a prototype of the kind of combined work the new combined companies will be capable of by announcing the BMW H1600R, which features a Harley motor in the body of the current K1600GT, suitably modified, with a distinctive orange and blue paint scheme to combine the colors of the two companies.

There was also a clay mockup of a version of the current RoadKing Classic with the iconic BMW boxer motor, which is promised for fall introduction.

That is about the best April Fools write up I have read in a long time!!! Thanks for the laugh..
please don't insult HARLEY DAVIDSON like that...............

I makes sense. The two rider groups are both already used to opening their wallets often and wide.

2007 R1200RT
I wrote this story and posted it on the HOMEPAGE two years ago. It remains the single most read article we've ever had on the BMW MOA site. Not the same story -- just the same topic... What is in this thread is far more interesting than mine was.

the headline then was:

Weak US dollar, struggling economy lead to German takeover of American Biking Giant

The entire story was then removed after about six hours.

Moving Cheese

On another April Fool note, I reworked the front page of our club's monthly newsletter a few years ago and turned it into a Moto Guzzi Rider's Rag. Click here

I got a call from the club president shortly after posting online. He was flippin' mad! He also never read past the first page. We're all still laughing! :ha:ha:ha
The new company will be called BHMDW and it's emblem will be a propeller with feathers.:brad

Too bad its just a joke. Harley could teach BMW alot about over engineering, and dependabilty. Yes my Beemer is broke again, so I'll take my ever dependable Electra Glide on our club ride this weekend.
Too bad its just a joke. Harley could teach BMW alot about over engineering, and dependabilty. Yes my Beemer is broke again, so I'll take my ever dependable Electra Glide on our club ride this weekend.

What YOU said!!! That is EXACTLY so! I maintain that BMW engineering is poor, but they are very well built...and I even have a list of examples, most of which Harley has done much better in their designs!!!