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Post your one day ride photo.....


New member
I thought it would be great if we could see your one day ride photo.
The rule, well not rule but suggestion is to post just one photo of a ride you took TODAY, not a photo of a ride you took last week or two months ago.

I'll get it started:

I live in Bozeman, Montana and today we had a little thaw, so it looked good to head out for a ride. I headed up highway 86 and made the hot coco turn at Bridger Ski Bowl after watching the crowd slip slide down the hill. My photo was taken this morning just before leaving with the Bridger Mountain range in the background and the temperature at a sunny, balmy 22 degrees F. The forecast is for more snow tomorrow...yikes!


Mike Keller


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That bike is way way way to clean.

No ride pic for me to post. Bike still in the shop. This was this morning though.

Great Kiddo, Bowzer pic.....
The bike is so clean because it has been hanging out in the garage most of the winter.
I've had "Remy" since it's birth in 2,000 and he now has 92K on the meter.
moved thread here since it seems more photo oriented.

And again Welcome BigskyRider! Indeed a very clean bike, I don't think either of mine have been that clean EVER! Ha Ha!


Wish I could post today, but my R1100RT is just sitting stripped down. PLus we have 3 inches of snow.

Wish I could post today, but my R1100RT is just sitting stripped down. PLus we have 3 inches of snow.


Hmm, could be a bit uncomfortable ridden like that good thing its snowy outside!:laugh
We just had an ice storm (minor) but below freezing for the next day or so roads will prob. be rather tricky thus I too am stuck. dang nabit.....

Another 70 degree sunshine day here so we joined the Two Wheel Texans at Kathy's Kosmic Kowgirl Kafe for breakfast and ride planning. . .



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Another 70 degree sunshine day here so we joined the Two Wheel Texans at Kathy's Kosmic Kowgirl Kafe for breakfast and ride planning. . .


I would have joined you except for the 3 inches of sleet in the driveway. :laugh

But the photo of that old man kept me sMiling

Glad someone can ride in February.
I would have joined you except for the 3 inches of sleet in the driveway. :laugh

But the photo of that old man kept me sMiling

Glad someone can ride in February.

You can always sit on the bike in the garage (or whereever, living room, kitchen, bedroom) and go Zaroom Zaroom, Sreeeech, Clink Clink (while in full gear, of course, or in your jammies for that matter) and then take a photo

just blurr out the background and who's gonna know?:laugh

I went for a ride on Saturday afternoon. I washed the bike for the second time this winter, and she was all wet and pretty afterwards, so she needed a ride to dry off and show off the clean paint, metal, rubber and plastic.

I headed east from my house in south Snohomish county to I-405. I-405 was ridden southbound for a bit until I came to SR 522, which I took east to Woodinville. I took the Woodinville-Duvall Road to Duvall, and then headed north on SR 203 to Monroe. In Monroe, I stopped for photos at the Lewis Street Park along the banks of the Skykomish River.







After leaving Lewis Street Park, I retraced my route back to Duvall. Instead of heading west along the Woodinville-Duvall Road, I crossed the Snoqualmie River and then headed south along the west side of the river until I reached the Novelty Hill Rd. I took the Novelty Hill Road up and over Novelty Hill and Redmond Ridge to the Avondale Rd, which I took north to 124th St. NE. 124th St. NE took me back to I-405 for the short ride on the slab back to south Snohomish county.
RocketMan and the LT do some dirt!!

After spending 6 hours listening to the drone of a bunch of suits during the New Employee Orientation for my new job I really needed to clear my head and when I stepped outside it was 71 Degrees! Oh Yeah! Time for a ride! Since the HQ was near 66 that heads straight west toward Blue Ridge the choice of destinations was obvious.
A quick buzz down 66 got me to one of my favorite roads, namely Old Route 55. After wondering around for a bit I came across a road I hadnt explored so I hung a quick left of 55 and after around a 100 feet of pavement I found myself looking a steep uphill grave road that disappeared around a sharp righthander. After debating for moment if I wanted to tackle a twisty gavel road on the Autobasu (Highway Pig) I figured what the f the GPS SAID it went thru so at least I wouldnt have to worry about wrestling the beast in one-lane gravel turn-a-round (or so I hoped!) I headed up the road. Good choice as it turned out.

Most of these were tough to shoot since I was shooting into a setting sun under a clear sky....

The Road


A nice rock wall around an old cemetery..


At the far end of the road was a nice old house circa 1860


I wound up near another favorite road that goes thru another small town called Aldie where there is a nice little lake with a ÔÇ£Swan CrossingÔÇØ sign across the road..


An old tree stub by the lake


And with the recent and decent amount of rain of late the old stone damn finally has water flowing over it.


And finally for all yous that are still stranded in snow..

This Buds for you..


Spring is finally coming to DC Yeah!!!!!

from today's ride

A Ride in the foothills west of Denver

more in my blog below...


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Today's ride

A ride out to the desert, testing out a route for an upcoming club ride. Tons of people were out enjoying the fresh crop of desert wildflowers. Took the long way home. 240 miles. Hot in the desert (85) dropping to 60*F at the top of the mountain (more or less Julien) and back to 72 just before hitting home.

And the wild flowers were worth it.


Here's my buddy Brad cruising the 138 outside of Gorman on our way to the Rock Inn yesterday.