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MOA Getaway - Fontana, North Carolina -- April 21-23, 2023

Re: Fontana
I rode to and camped at the infamous RA National rally there many years ago and was interviewed by the local paper. I still have the letter of apology from the editor. The locals were not pleased with the way we were treated, nor were they at all happy about the money the sheriff spent on the several law enforcement agencies he brought in for the event. Ah, the good old days …

After being buzzed by the Sheriff's air force and frisked at a roadblock I swore I would never go near Fontana again, and I haven't. Yes, I know times may have changed but the culture that represented offends me to this day. I have been back to the Dragon a time or two and it sure isn't the same since Pete sold the Crossroads of Time and it became corporate big business. Yes: I am dating my self.
After being buzzed by the Sheriff's air force and frisked at a roadblock I swore I would never go near Fontana again, and I haven't. Yes, I know times may have changed but the culture that represented offends me to this day. I have been back to the Dragon a time or two and it sure isn't the same since Pete sold the Crossroads of Time and it became corporate big business. Yes: I am dating my self.

But is is fun to reminisce. After all, we survived the original BMW Fontana rally!

I remember sitting in a bleacher structure with a few other attendees, nervously sipping a Michelob I had transferred to a Mountain Dew bottle to make it safer to walk across roads on the grounds without being arrested for open container. We were discussing the various checkpoints and searches when the police helicopter buzzed the grounds with a speaker blaring “Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?”. THAT was interesting … my guess is the recent MOA Getaway didn’t have that form of entertainment.
But is is fun to reminisce. After all, we survived the original BMW Fontana rally!

Amazingly, ( actually, not so…) this area now promotes itself as a motorcycling destination.

Sadly that sheriff committed suicide not many years afterwards.

Anyone remember the IBMWR Presidents’ reaction to their Graham County experience?
Too funny. I remember one national when after a couple of days the authorities commented, They are not bikers, but MC enthusiasts. They are all grey and harmless. Great how things have progressed IMO, nearly everyone speaks and wishes like the old guy at the stoplight talking to Bronson, "Wish I were you".
But is is fun to reminisce. After all, we survived the original BMW Fontana rally!

I remember sitting in a bleacher structure with a few other attendees, nervously sipping a Michelob I had transferred to a Mountain Dew bottle to make it safer to walk across roads on the grounds without being arrested for open container. We were discussing the various checkpoints and searches when the police helicopter buzzed the grounds with a speaker blaring “Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?”. THAT was interesting … my guess is the recent MOA Getaway didn’t have that form of entertainment.

I recall hearing about this. Wasn't sure if it was true/exaggerated....That's crazy! I remember coming down to the area 30 years ago with a few buddies. The local authorities were MUCH less friendly than today. I'm sure the NJ plates didn't help..lol. But the helicopter story is just insane.
Our 4th Fontana Getaway and we had a blast! Hit all the favorites and found a few new hidden gems.


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