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What does the looming ICE ban mean for BMW motorcycles?

Brought to us by big oil as well with no concern about legacy of non-biodegradable synthetics. Have a feeling at some point the Tobacco Industry lawsuits path will expose some insider info on knowledge of future impacts. Turned all of us into a throw away society… except those Airhead guys :lol

Problem solved!!!!

Down with all Cows, and up with Airhead guys!!!!

I've always thought that those sneaky cows were up to no good.


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I live in eastern Kansas. Currently own a BMW i3 and
about to trade in our 2020 Jeep Gladiator for a 2023 Tesla Model Y. In our neighborhood of 25 homes, 4 families currently have either an EV or Hybrid in the driveway.

Not just the coasts anymore. :thumb It's economically advantageous to go EV. Anybody putting charging infrastructure on their homes yet in your neighborhood?
Not just the coasts anymore. :thumb It's economically advantageous to go EV. Anybody putting charging infrastructure on their homes yet in your neighborhood?

I'm waiting for the taxpayers to pay for mine, you know, to reduce inflation! :wave

I am actually a big supporter of EV technology, however, my preference is a more pragmatic approach to our transition to alternative fuels.

Make it so good and affordable that people will want to get onboard without tax incentives and mandates. :thumb
But then also eliminate the governmental tax breaks and other incentives for fossil fuels.

Really tough to go back in time. Pretty sure that starting fresh, on a fresh plan or system that was designed to run on “its own merits” may have a chance………Maybe.
Have you heard of the Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax? You and Voni are in for some hurtin'! :eek

Not likely in my lifetime where I usually ride. And my K75 lacks GPS spy tracking so they would be SOL unless I am under oath and penalty of perjury. But when really enacted it ought to reflect the true cost of road damage by vehicle type meaning the average semi-tractor trailer rig needs to pay a rate 155 times that of a motorcycle. And of course since it is a "replacement" tax it ought to reflect varying fuel mileage and taxes paid by various vehicles. So a 10 mpg gas-hog pickup ought to pay a rate 4 times what I pay for my Ford Focus. Once the politicians are smart enough to actually make a truly fair system I would support it. Meanwhile I will drive our daughter's Tesla 3 every time I am in Iowa. Zero to 60 in less than 3 seconds is a real hoot while I don't pay gas tax.
Not likely in my lifetime. But when enacted it ought to reflect the true cost of road damage by vehicle type meaning the average semi-tractor trailer rig needs to pay a rate 155 times that of a motorcycle.

I wish US riders received half of the benefits accorded to motorcyclists in the rest of the world. Here in NC, your tag fee is dictated by the vehicle's value.
I wish US riders received half of the benefits accorded to motorcyclists in the rest of the world. Here in NC, your tag fee is dictated by the vehicle's value.

In MASS, tag fees and exise (value) tax. Must be a coastal thang.
We all hate paying taxes. And we all hate when there isn't enough in the budget to have good roads, or clean water, or decent schools. In our most recent County election I asked the County Judge (CEO) candidates to describe the line between being frugal and neglect. None of them could do it.
We all hate paying taxes. And we all hate when there isn't enough in the budget to have good roads, or clean water, or decent schools. In our most recent County election I asked the County Judge (CEO) candidates to describe the line between being frugal and neglect. None of them could do it.

How true. Sometimes we-the collective we here in the USA-are short sighted. Shocking. I remember reading that the poor roads here in CA cost on average an additional $1,000 per year in repairs per car. People hate taxes so much, they'd rather drive on crappy roads and pay more in repairs than pay more in taxes and drive on better roads. Now, I know that's an oversimplification (and there are other issues at play that cannot be discussed here--e.g. politics), but I would rather pay more in taxes for roads than have to pay that amount in vehicle repairs.
I know there are going to be big changes coming as far as automotive/mc are concerned which can't really come soon enough for the planet but I just can't get enthused about the same when it comes to motorcycles. I'm a tinkerer at heart and it's no doubt one of the things that drew me to motorcycles as well as mc forums. Electric propulsion systems are, let's face it, boring REAL boring, imo. That is not to say that new ice driven bikes aren't becoming somewhat boring as well. Look at new BMWs you want boring. I mean whoop-de-do, no service manuals not that they will do you much good anymore anyway as in the days of the airhead are long gone. Of course in my own case my days are most likely limited by age so in the end it won't matter much anyway but still.....
How true. Sometimes we-the collective we hear in the USA-are short sighted. Shocking. I remember reading that the poor roads here in CA cost on average an additional $1,000 per year in repairs per car. People hate taxes so much, they'd rather drive on crappy roads and pay more in repairs than pay more in taxes and drive on better roads. Now, I know that's an oversimplification (and there are other issues at play that cannot be discussed here--e.g. politics), but I would rather pay more in taxes for roads than have to pay that amount in vehicle repairs.

Except that we passed State Bill 1 a few years ago and then, when someone got repealing it on the ballot a couple years later, it was roundly defeated and we've continued the tax.

Look at any of the roads projects here and you'll usually see the big SB1 sign on it. WRT to taxation to pay for all the stuff in the IRA, unless you make more than $400K/year or you're a corporation that has successfully evaded paying taxes, you're not going to see a change in your taxes.

I don't mind paying for taxes if I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. Increasingly over the last few years here, I feel like I am.
I noticed one of the newer houses has installed a ground/yard mount system for their solar array. IMO, ground mount is the most practical way to mount panels especially in the case with a roof that still has 20 years or so left in it.
I don't know where this pays off. "We" are constantly reminded that were have the 3rd cheapest electric rates in Massachusetts. We recently had a fairly steep increase, as most are experiencing, and the rate is 00.18.5 cents/KWH.