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2nd Annual Laurel Highlands Weekend, Somerset, Pa. Sept 23-25


Active member
I know it's a long way off but it's never too early to start planning.


the link to book a room at the Quality Inn is live and at a rate of $89 you'll want to be sure to get your room.
Registration will be open soon.
There is a lot of information listed on the website of local attractions and various routes you can explore. Some with GPS files to download.

Looking forward to this 2ND Annual event.
Come join the fun.
634 Views and not one question or comment.

I'm not sure how to take this from a group that will discuss Tires and Oil until no one wins! :)

Registration is open and reservations can be made at the hotel........

634 Views and not one question or comment.

I'm not sure how to take this from a group that will discuss Tires and Oil until no one wins! :)

Registration is open and reservations can be made at the hotel........


Only 23 members (logged in) Jason have viewed this. The rest is “guests” and “bots”.
Keep at it! Hope it goes well for your event.
Only 23 members (logged in) Jason have viewed this. The rest is “guests” and “bots”.
Keep at it! Hope it goes well for your event.

Wow, those are interesting numbers!
Thanks, last years event was great. Hoping to build on it this year.
Jason, we registered today, see you in September. We'll be up earlier in the week if you need help with anything just let me know, thanks.
Jason, we registered today, see you in September. We'll be up earlier in the week if you need help with anything just let me know, thanks.

Great to hear you're all signed up.
I ran into a guy, Vince? this weekend in Seneca Rocks, WV who was there last year. He said his gang from near Columbus Ohio was planning on attending again.
Visit Johnstown tour

I’m thinking about leading a ride from our event to the

Johnstown Flood Memorial National Park
Which is the location of the dam that broke causing the Great Johnstown Flood in 1889.

And then a stop at the Discovery Museum in downtown Johnstown.

Where the store of immigration to the region in the early 1900’s and of the Steel industries birth in the region.

Do you think anyone would be interested or TOO MUCH museum time?

Any hockey fan would be remiss if they didn't stop by the Cambria County War Memorial Arena in Johnstown and visit the Slapshot Hockey movie museum.


I loved the movie and visiting the War Memorial Arena.
I have friends and former hockey teammates who played in the Eastern Hockey League back then and the movie is fairly accurate in depicting life in the minor leagues back then.


Any hockey fan would be remiss if they didn't stop by the Cambria County War Memorial Arena in Johnstown and visit the Slapshot Hockey movie museum.


I loved the movie and visiting the War Memorial Arena.
I have friends and former hockey teammates who played in the Eastern Hockey League back then and the movie is fairly accurate in depicting life in the minor leagues back then.


In addtion to Slapshot being shot in Johnstown, "All the Right Moves", starring Tom Cruise, Craig T. Nelson & Lea Thompson was also filmed in Johnstown.
1983, my senior year in High School. My football team mates played in the game, and my girlfriend was a cheerleader in movie.
Possible ride


I’m thinking about leading a ride from our event in in Somerset to the
Johnstown Flood Memorial National Park


Which is the location of the dam that broke causing the Great Johnstown Flood in 1889.
And then a stop at the Discovery Museum in downtown Johnstown.


Where the storie of immigration to the region in the early 1900’s and of the Steel industries birth in the region.
Do you think anyone would be interested or TOO MUCH museum time?
We've been to all your destinations many times, great places, especially if you have never been to them before. We'd have to detour a little bit to Laughlintown, I just have to always stop at the pie shop multiple trips through the area!
Registration is at 73.
Registration closes the 15th.
The comfort inn is sold out Saturday night.
There are many other motels within walking distance of the comfort.
See ya soon.
Well, despite the fact that this event had almost ZERO action on this forum or the MOA Facebook page.............

We ended up with 91 registered guest!
Had great Weather, Riding and Food and Camaraderie!

What more do you need for a good time?

See you next year.