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Windshield install


I am trying to install a Madstat windshield.
I ended up taking the original well nuts apart as the screws had loctite or something and would turn.
I got new nuts, but they also turn.
How do I screw them in without the well nut turning?
And if someone has a picture of how they go together, it would be greatly appreciated

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
Not sure I understand however here’s pictures of a Madstad with well nuts. Just hold portion of rubber where nut is housed and screw in bolt from other side of windshield and support frame. Are you tightening them too much? Don’t over tighten, just enough for rubber to swell enough that they won’t pop through. Doesn’t take much.


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Another thought, sometimes it takes added leverage to align windshield with frame holes which puts bolts at an angle. I’ve used a tap to clean bolt threads and got another set of hands to get straight alignment before retrying the bolts. Blair at Madstad is a great tech support, don’t hesitate to contact them.
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Another thought, sometimes it takes added leverage to align windshield with frame holes which puts bolts at an angle. I’ve used a tap to clean bolt threads and got another set of hands to get straight alignment before retrying the bolts. Blair at Madstad is a great tech support, don’t hesitate to contact them.

Thanks for the reply.
The issue I am having is with the bottom black piece that attaches to the bike.
The screws go in about 1/2 way and then they all turn.
I will run a tap and clean the threads tonight.
With well nut off shield will screw easily screw in? If not, sure the thread pitch is a match? Might be nut and screw pitch differ. Road trip to hardware store may be in order.

I need a little education in how these actually work.
I think I was putting them in backwards.
It looked so easy I didn't take pictures.

I've never used them other than in drywall. :dunno

If you have one out, tighten the screw and it pulls the rubber part towards the screw-head causing a "bulge" that can almost look like a couple of fat o-rings....... That would be much more that installing into the correctly sized and drilled hole for mounting something in dry-wall. If you need, I can post a picture.
