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Where to service in/near Madison WI


New member
Sadly, my go-to dealership -- Mischler's BMW in Beaver Dam, WI -- had to close its doors at the end of December. Art Mischler told me that, between the pandemic and the corporate demand for dealerships to remodel in 2021, he just could not justify staying open. Are there any South Central Wisconsin folks who can recommend a knowledgeable mechanic in the Madison WI area to service my 2015 R1200RT if needed? I intend to go to Cyclewerks in Barrington IL for the big stuff, but am also hoping to have a resource closer by for the unexpected. I am not a big DIY fan, though my brother (also an MOA member with a R1200RS) says it is easy to learn with all the videos out there! Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forum! Are you a member of one of the Wisconsin clubs? Check out the MOA main page by clicking on bmwmoa.org in the upper left. Then go to Resources > Chartered Clubs. In that section, you can scroll down to Wisconsin and check out the websites...maybe there's someone you can contact with your question. You could also check the Anonymous Book/App and find someone to talk to in your local area...get their feeling of what's available.
Shops Near Madison WI

Jason, who was Mischler's service manager, is involved in a new shop in Beaver Dam.
Big Mike's Cycles is not far from the old Mischlers location.
They have a certified BMW tech on staff.
No personal experience (yet), but I trust Jason a lot...


Great to know!

Jason, who was Mischler's service manager, is involved in a new shop in Beaver Dam.
Big Mike's Cycles is not far from the old Mischlers location.
They have a certified BMW tech on staff.
No personal experience (yet), but I trust Jason a lot...



Thank you very much. Jason is great and I will certainly reach out to him/them!
Follow Up on search for service near Madison, WI

I just picked up my 2015 RT from Big Mike’s in Beaver Dam, WI where they completed the 12K service. Jason Webber (service manager at Mischler’s until they closed last fall) is running the shop. He brought the BMW Certified tech and the Harley tech with him and everything about the facility is top notch. Spread the word! 920 219-9964.
Moto Union in Greenfield (Milwaukee) IS a BMW dealer, BUT...

They have been a BMW dealer for one year now. They are booking service appointments for mid-July now. Suggested I go to Beaver Damm if I needed something sooner!