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Unirex N3 Grease necessary?


New member
I'm changing out tires for the first time, and the Rider's Manual for my R1300GS (page 210) says I am supposed to use Unirex N3 Grease on my front axle. So far, I am having a really hard time finding it in the USA. Is the manual being a little too picky here or are there recommended substitutes?
I don't think that application requires any specific high-zoot (technical term) grease. Unirex N3 Grease appears to be a typical lithium grease with good high temperature characteristics but it is not intended for heavy loads. Greasing the front axle serves so it slides in and out easily and that is about it. I think any decent chassis lube grease would work just fine.
Hello PGlaves,
Thanks much for your response about my grease question. Do you happen to have any idea why BMW would be so darn picky about specifying a hard to find product? Is this perhaps yet another way for them to steer me towards the dealer or just rigid engineer think?
Hello PGlaves,
Thanks much for your response about my grease question. Do you happen to have any idea why BMW would be so darn picky about specifying a hard to find product? Is this perhaps yet another way for them to steer me towards the dealer or just rigid engineer think?
I don't think they have any particular reason. They often mention a product by name when other products meet the same specification.
I'm changing out tires for the first time, and the Rider's Manual for my R1300GS (page 210) says I am supposed to use Unirex N3 Grease on my front axle. So far, I am having a really hard time finding it in the USA. Is the manual being a little too picky here or are there recommended substitutes?

UNIREX N 3 is an NLGI No. 3 grade and is used for special applications such as sealed-for-life bearings, vertically-mounted bearings, and higher-speed bearings.



$9.99 delivery February 18 - 19 AMAZON

HONDA 08734-0002 GREASE, UNIREX (N3)​


$18.99 $18.99