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Tapatalk access

The Tapatalk plugin has been updated and should work correctly. Some users may have difficulty logging in to the forum via Tapatalk. This is a password issue. You will need to contact me and I can reset your password and correct this issue for you.

Please help me with this
Bumping an oldie as it came up in a search on the topic.

RE the topic, I can’t log in via Tapatalk. Suggestions for resolving the issue will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
What specific error messages are you getting? From ready the comments over the past few years, it seems to be an incorrect password issue. The home office was able to reset passwords.
The message I get is:

Log in failed
You have entered an invalid
username or password

Then I get a prompt on the iPhone asking if I want to update the password at Tapatalk.

I know I am using the correct username and password for this website, but I use the same username with a different password at AdvRider. Might it be a Tapatalk issue?
Definitely call the office. I think you need to get a free reset from the Admin so you can restart things.
I meant "fresh" reset...but anyway, if you get some resolution please report back as it might help someone down the road! :thumb
Bumping an oldie as it came up in a search on the topic.

RE the topic, I can’t log in via Tapatalk. Suggestions for resolving the issue will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

An email has been sent to you with a new Tapatalk password. If you have issues, contact me directly, ted@bmwmoa.org.
Tapatlak users have to be managed manually and any new users or password changes through Tapatlak require manual intervention. If you are a Tapatalk user and receive login errors, you most likely need a new password or an initial password set. Contact me and we can do that.
