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Speakers K1600GTL Exclusive

Don't really have your answer, but something to consider:
You probably should not just add another speaker in parallel: that reduces the impedance (AC resistance) of the load (speakers) as seen by the amplifier output stage, resulting in higher current flow through those transistors - which might damage them, or at least increase the audio distortion.
There is no factory rear speaker package for the K1600s, nor is there a commercially available option. Over on k1600forum.com there are a bunch of threads on improving the performance of the stock radio/amplifier, I vaguely remember someone mentioning adding a rear set of speakers (do-it-yourself), but I may be mistaken.
There is no factory rear speaker package for the K1600s, nor is there a commercially available option. Over on k1600forum.com there are a bunch of threads on improving the performance of the stock radio/amplifier, I vaguely remember someone mentioning adding a rear set of speakers (do-it-yourself), but I may be mistaken.

Thank you.