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Spacer sleeve for R75/5

Anton Largiader has a page on this with a good photo (he calls it a sealing sleeve):

He says the outside diameter is 20mm. I don't think that dimension is critical; the internal diameter and length are important for a snug fit and the proper height when placed over the o-ring.

Somebody has to have one laying around that they could slap a micrometer on. (Mine are all mounted - sorry)

Are you going to try to fabricate some?
“Chuck”, I feel poorly that you’ve not gotten dimensions for the …254 840 Spacer Sleeve !

The situation might be that, they are all installed in the Cylinder Head(s); someone would have to break torque on one(1) valve rocker assembly to access a sleeve for measuring. The concern thereafter would be warping of the head unless, all four(4) Cylinder Hold-down Thru-bolts were loosened; then risking leakage of the Cylinder Base and Cylinder Head Gaskets, Spacer Sleeve O-rings, following reassembly and torquing… a “round-trip” mechanically speaking, of about an hour labor …with fervent hope of no leakage thereafter.

As with everything else lately, the Spacer Sleeve has “inflated” to USD $15.62 each ! MAXBMW has them available and, being in excess of their “$99.00 - FREE SHIPPING”, the total for eight(8) required (USD $124.96) would ship them.

Noting the “au” in your user name, might you reside in Australia ? I therefore, can understand your request: email costs nothing, shipping cost’s money !

As a “hardcore Airhead”; thinking your R 75/5 is disassembled; lacking Sleeves; as a last resort for you, I will break into my R 75/5 if you are unable to get dimensions otherwise. Please advise…