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side car installation


New member
Can anyone steer me { pun intended} to an outfit that can install a hack on my ,93 R100GSPD ?
I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you already have a used tub and are looking for help modifying the subframe and attaching it to your bike? Are you looking to have a sidecar built for your bike?

Thank you both. Do not have a tub. Starting from square one. Will contact both Kevin.

Others have mentioned some quality builders. You might want to call and enquire if they would modify the mounts of a used tub to fit yours. Also, be careful with some home-engineered stuff out there; sometimes even widely known shops turned out shoddy work. As an example read the “A fan of DMC” thread on the Hack forum of ADVRIDER. It’s full of failures an informed consumer would do well to be aware of
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Others have mentioned some quality builders. You might want to call and enquirer if they would modify the mounts of a used tub to fit yours. Also, be careful with some home-engineered stuff out there; sometimes even widely known shops turned out shoddy work. As an example read the “A fan of DMC” thread on the Hack forum of ADVRIDER. It’s full of failures an informed consumer would do well to be aware of

Lots of good information on the Hacks forum also. Probably more active than The MOA sidecar forum. Also something to consider will be the cost of building/installing a sidecar on your existing GS, versus looking for one already built, properly setup and dialed in. There are some really good outfits out there for a fraction of the price of what it will cost you to build one. As a comparison, it may cost $30,000 to build one, but you may find the same outfit for sale for $15,000. My opinion, let the original owner take the hit. Save your money.

Best of luck to you and look forward to seeing you on the road, on three wheels soon.
Ride easy.
To follow up on what Gary suggested.. I see there currently is a 1980 R100 sidecar combination with a leading link front fork listed for sale in the moa marketplace.

Again, thank you all for your thoughts and advice. i'm slowing down a bit at 71yo, and my bumblebee is a handful with my 9.2 gallon tank ...long 500 mile days are a thing of the past i fear. Still, i've had/am having a great run. See you all in Redmond.
MAD DOG:drink "The beer must flow"
Again, thank you all for your thoughts and advice. i'm slowing down a bit at 71yo, and my bumblebee is a handful with my 9.2 gallon tank ...long 500 mile days are a thing of the past i fear. Still, i've had/am having a great run. See you all in Redmond.
MAD DOG:drink "The beer must flow"

You may want to also consider having both for a while. It takes a bit to transition to a sidecar. Build the muscle memory etc. Just jumping on is not a thing someone should just do. Well I did but then I am ME! Anyways maybe look at buying a complete rig, keep your bumblebee and switch back and forth for a while. Determine if it works then commit.